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SAS 9.4
Hot Fix Downloads
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[ A ] indicates that at least one ALERT issue is addressed in this hot fix.


Released Week of February 17, 2025
SAS Product / Release / MaintenanceHot FixRelease DateAvailable Operating Systems
SAS Scalable Performance Data Server 5.5M8Z002Feb 20, 2025 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Workload Orchestrator and SAS Grid Manager for Platform 9.48N3W005Feb 20, 2025 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/STAT 15.3L9L027Feb 19, 2025 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Google BigQuery 9.42K3N014 [ A ]Feb 18, 2025 Linux for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R152Feb 17, 2025 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R153Feb 17, 2025 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M7L7E002Feb 17, 2025 z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M8L8X075Feb 17, 2025 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M8L8X076Feb 17, 2025 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M8L8Y022Feb 17, 2025 z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of February 10, 2025
SAS Compliance Solutions 7.2N1H003Feb 16, 2025 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
SAS Environment Manager Enablement Kit 2.7M6G002Feb 14, 2025 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ETS 15.3N4M002Feb 14, 2025 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Grid Env Manager and Platform Web services 1.8 1.8N8L001Feb 14, 2025 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for Econometric Time Series 15.3P1S001Feb 14, 2025 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Environment Manager 2.5_M4J9V017Feb 13, 2025 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS High-Performance Server 2.2_M9N5I002Feb 13, 2025 Linux for x64
Released Week of February 03, 2025
Base SAS 9.4_M8M4B011Feb 07, 2025 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Workload Orchestrator and SAS Grid Manager for Platform 9.47J9K014 [ A ]Feb 06, 2025 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Google BigQuery 9.43M7Z006Feb 03, 2025 Linux for x64
Released Week of January 27, 2025
SAS Management Console 9.4_M8M2E016Feb 02, 2025 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Middle Tier 9.4_M8M2K016Feb 02, 2025 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M8L8X073Jan 31, 2025 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of January 20, 2025
SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Data Server 9.4_M7I7F015Jan 23, 2025 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS ODBC Drivers for the Web Infrastructure Platform Data Server 9.46J1Q011Jan 23, 2025 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Forecast Server 15.3M8W002Jan 23, 2025 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Time Series Studio 15.3P1V001Jan 23, 2025 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Enterprise Miner 15.3P1Z001Jan 23, 2025 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Risk Governance Framework 7.4D4Z025 [ A ]Jan 22, 2025 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Environment Manager 2.5_M3E8M011Jan 21, 2025 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Environment Manager Agent 2.5_M3F9E008Jan 21, 2025 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel 9.4_M8M3Y005Jan 21, 2025 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of January 06, 2025
DataFlux Data Management Server 2.8H3W020Jan 10, 2025 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.8H9M019Jan 10, 2025 Windows
DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.9.1P1F002Jan 10, 2025 Windows
DataFlux Data Management Server 2.9.1P1G002Jan 10, 2025 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7K1P013 [ A ]Jan 07, 2025 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M8L8X074Jan 07, 2025 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of December 16, 2024
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R151Dec 19, 2024 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Field Quality Analytics 6.31N2R002Dec 19, 2024 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Infrastructure for Risk Management 3.7M2Q004Dec 18, 2024 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to PC Files 9.4_M8M4D007Dec 18, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Infrastructure for Risk Management 3.6G2T018Dec 17, 2024 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS/STAT 15.3L9L026 [ A ]Dec 17, 2024 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of December 09, 2024
SAS Financial Management 5.62N6I002Dec 13, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.9.1P1F001Dec 11, 2024 Windows
DataFlux Data Management Server 2.9.1P1G001Dec 11, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/STAT 15.3L9L024Dec 09, 2024 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of December 02, 2024
SAS Fraud Management 6.1F6R015Dec 05, 2024 Linux for x64
SAS/STAT 15.3L9L025Dec 05, 2024 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Credit Scoring 6.4M3W005Dec 04, 2024 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Data Integration Studio 4.7_M8M5A002Dec 04, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M8L8X070Dec 03, 2024 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Studio 3.81J7H011Dec 02, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of November 25, 2024
SAS Studio 3.82M3T010Nov 28, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M8L8X071Nov 26, 2024 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of November 18, 2024
SAS Fraud Management 6.2M9S003Nov 21, 2024 Linux for x64
SAS Forecast Analyst Workbench 5.4_M1N6L001Nov 19, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
SAS BI Dashboard 4.41_M2N7I001Nov 19, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of November 11, 2024
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Snowflake 9.43L9B008 [ A ]Nov 15, 2024 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of November 04, 2024
SAS Threaded Kernel DS2 and FedSQL Language Processors 9.41_M5I9H011Nov 05, 2024 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS IT Resource Management 3.12N6D002Nov 05, 2024 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of October 28, 2024
SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office 8.4N3B003Oct 30, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Visual Analytics Add-In for Office 8.4N3C003Oct 30, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Vertica 9.4_M8M5S003Oct 29, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
SAS Job Flow 9.47K1J012Oct 28, 2024 Linux for x64
Released Week of October 21, 2024
SAS Visual Analytics 7.51I9T014Oct 25, 2024 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Management Console 9.4_M7I9E023Oct 24, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Middle Tier 9.4_M7J2L027Oct 24, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Data Integration Studio 4.7_M7J7S008Oct 24, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of October 14, 2024
SAS Workload Orchestrator and SAS Grid Manager for Platform 9.46E3Y025Oct 17, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Teradata 9.47N6F001Oct 16, 2024 64-bit Enabled AIX
DataDirect ODBC Driver for Amazon Redshift 9.45M2D005 [ A ]Oct 15, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
DataDirect ODBC Driver for Greenplum 9.45M9F002 [ A ]Oct 15, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Mid-Tier Rest Bridge 9.44N5S001Oct 14, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of October 07, 2024
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Snowflake 9.42L2C008Oct 11, 2024 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Teradata 9.48N4V002Oct 11, 2024 64-bit Enabled AIX
DataDirect ODBC Driver for Microsoft SQL Server 9.45M2L007 [ A ]Oct 10, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.9J6J021Oct 07, 2024 Windows
DataFlux Data Management Server 2.9J6K024Oct 07, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS PC Files Server 9.50M9Z002Oct 07, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
Released Week of September 30, 2024
SAS Integration Technologies Client 9.51N4J002Oct 03, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
Released Week of September 23, 2024
SAS Model Manager 14.3_M2L9Z004Sep 27, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Business Rules Manager 3.3_M2M1A004Sep 27, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Size Optimization 3.41_M3N5N001Sep 24, 2024 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of September 16, 2024
SAS Deployment Agent 9.49648N5W001Sep 22, 2024 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Deployment Agent 9.49658N5X001Sep 22, 2024 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Field Quality Analytics 6.3J2F008 [ A ]Sep 19, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
ODS Templates 9.4_M8L9C002Sep 18, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M8L8X064Sep 16, 2024 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of September 09, 2024
SAS Web Server 9.47M1V005Sep 13, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Application Server 9.48M3P005Sep 13, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/CONNECT 9.4_M7J7I006Sep 11, 2024 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/STAT 15.3L9L023 [ A ]Sep 11, 2024 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Server 9.45E8D009Sep 09, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of September 02, 2024
SAS Environment Manager Mid-Tier 2.6_M1J8Q007Sep 08, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Application Server 9.47M3B005Sep 05, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Server 9.46J8M011 [ A ]Sep 04, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/STAT 15.1E8U018 [ A ]Sep 03, 2024 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Data Server 9.4_M8M1Y005Sep 03, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS ODBC Drivers for the Web Infrastructure Platform Data Server 9.47M1Z005Sep 03, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Environment Manager 2.5_M5M2T007Sep 03, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Enterprise Guide 8.4N3A002Sep 03, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
Released Week of August 26, 2024
SAS/STAT 15.3L9L021 [ A ]Aug 29, 2024 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Microsoft SQL Server 9.46M5F003Aug 27, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7L1K004Aug 26, 2024 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of August 19, 2024
SAS Business Data Network Mid-Tier 3.4M4E003Aug 23, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/STAT 15.2I5L008 [ A ]Aug 21, 2024 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of August 12, 2024
SAS Environment Manager Agent 2.5_M5M2U006Aug 16, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/CONNECT 9.4_M8M3U003Aug 14, 2024 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Operational Qualification Tool 9.4M8B002Aug 14, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to SAP HANA 9.47M5V003Aug 12, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of August 05, 2024
SAS/ACCESS Interface to ODBC 9.4_M7J2X009Aug 09, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Microsoft SQL Server 9.45J6Q008Aug 09, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to OLE DB 9.4_M8M2Z003Aug 08, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Risk Governance Framework 7.5M5E003Aug 08, 2024 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Episode Analytics Server 4.5K5C002Aug 07, 2024 Linux for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M8L8X065Aug 07, 2024 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M8L8X066Aug 07, 2024 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Hadoop Configuration Libraries 2.9N4Y001Aug 07, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Metadata Bridges 4.42L9P002Aug 05, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of July 29, 2024
SAS Environment Manager Agent 2.5_M4J9U012Jul 31, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Job Flow 9.4_M8M2Y003Jul 31, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to MySQL 9.41_M2M8E002Jul 30, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of July 22, 2024
SAS Web Report Studio 4.4_M8M7N005Jul 24, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Report Studio 4.4_M8M7P005Jul 24, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Secure 9.4_M8N4X001Jul 23, 2024 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of July 08, 2024
SAS Threaded Kernel Interface to R 9.4_M6J6X002Jul 12, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to JDBC 9.41K4J005Jul 12, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of July 01, 2024
Threaded Kernel IOM 9.4_M7J9S006Jul 03, 2024 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M8L8X061Jul 03, 2024 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Threaded Kernel IOM 9.4_M6E8G010Jul 02, 2024 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 24, 2024
SAS BI Dashboard 4.41_M1L5R002Jun 28, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Deployment Backup and Recovery Tool 9.46M3N004Jun 28, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Visual Analytics 7.52M4N006Jun 28, 2024 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS ODS Graphics C Renderer 9.47N5C001Jun 28, 2024 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M8L8X059Jun 27, 2024 z/OS
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M8L8Y017Jun 25, 2024 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Job Monitor Administration 2.2_M2M7T002Jun 24, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 10, 2024
Base SAS 9.4_M8L8X057Jun 10, 2024 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/STAT 15.3L9L017Jun 10, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 03, 2024
Base SAS 9.4_M7K1P012 [ A ]Jun 07, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Reference Data Manager 3.4N4W002Jun 07, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M8N4Z001Jun 06, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7J7L004Jun 05, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of May 27, 2024
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M8L8Y015May 31, 2024 64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R145May 30, 2024 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M8L8X050May 30, 2024 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS/STAT 15.3L9L018May 30, 2024 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/STAT 15.3L9L019May 30, 2024 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of May 20, 2024
Base SAS 9.4_M8L8X049May 22, 2024 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of May 13, 2024
Base SAS 9.4_M8L8X053May 15, 2024 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Infrastructure Data Base JDBC Drivers 9.43M5U002May 15, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Financial Management 5.61L1Y005May 13, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Hadoop 9.48M8M002May 13, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to JDBC 9.42N4S001May 13, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Spark 9.41N4T001May 13, 2024 Linux for x64
Released Week of May 06, 2024
SAS Business Rules Manager 3.3_M1I7S014May 08, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Model Manager 14.3_M1J6P008May 08, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/IML 15.3N4R001May 06, 2024 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of April 29, 2024
SAS/STAT 15.3L9L016May 01, 2024 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of April 22, 2024
Base SAS 9.4_M8L8X051Apr 25, 2024 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M8L8X052Apr 22, 2024 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS JAR Files 9.4_M8L9T004Apr 22, 2024 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of April 08, 2024
DataDirect ODBC Driver for Microsoft SQL Server 9.44J2Y006 [ A ]Apr 10, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R144Apr 08, 2024 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of April 01, 2024
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R139Apr 05, 2024 * z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
* indicates that the I9R139 "Release Date" varies by operating system.
Base SAS 9.4_M6D9T154Apr 04, 2024 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M8L8X047Apr 04, 2024 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS User Interface 9.4_M8N3S001Apr 04, 2024 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Application Server 9.45E3V008Apr 03, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Application Server 9.46I9U003Apr 03, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/GRAPH 9.4_M7L2F004Apr 03, 2024 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/GRAPH 9.4_M8L9R003Apr 03, 2024 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel 9.4_M8M3Y002Apr 03, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to DB2 9.45M5Z003Apr 02, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of March 25, 2024
SAS/ACCESS Interface to PC Files 9.4_M7J9M014Mar 28, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R143Mar 27, 2024 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M8L8X048Mar 27, 2024 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of March 18, 2024
Threaded Kernel IOM 9.4_M8L9M002Mar 18, 2024 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of March 11, 2024
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M8L8Y013Mar 15, 2024 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Cloud Data Storage support 9.4N3D001Mar 15, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Report Studio 4.4_M7J1A009Mar 14, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Report Viewer 4.4_M7J1B009Mar 14, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Report Studio 4.4_M7J1C009Mar 14, 2024 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M8L8X045 [ A ]Mar 12, 2024 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/GRAPH Java Applets for Web Servers 9.46K7C004Mar 11, 2024 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of March 04, 2024
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Google BigQuery 9.41H5A009Mar 08, 2024 Linux for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9S005Mar 05, 2024 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M8M8S002Mar 05, 2024 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of February 26, 2024
SAS/STAT 15.3L9L014Feb 29, 2024 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
DataDirect ODBC Driver for Microsoft SQL Server 9.43F1N004 [ A ]Feb 28, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS High-Performance Risk 4.3J9D006 [ A ]Feb 28, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
Released Week of February 19, 2024
SAS ODBC Driver for Snowflake 9.4M3H003Feb 22, 2024 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M8L8Y014Feb 21, 2024 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to PostgreSQL 9.4_M8M5B003Feb 21, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of February 12, 2024
Base SAS 9.4_M7I8G006 [ A ]Feb 16, 2024 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Micro Analytic Service Threaded Kernel Extensions 2.5_M4N2Q001Feb 16, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/STAT 15.3L9L013Feb 14, 2024 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of February 05, 2024
DataDirect ODBC Driver for Amazon Redshift 9.44J8L006 [ A ]Feb 09, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
DataDirect ODBC Drivers for Federation Server 4.5M2R004 [ A ]Feb 09, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Compliance Solutions Mid-Tier 7.2N1G001Feb 08, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M8L8X042Feb 06, 2024 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of January 29, 2024
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Vertica 9.4_M7K2N002Jan 30, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64
Released Week of January 15, 2024
SAS/ACCESS Interface to MySQL 9.41_M1K4H002Jan 19, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M8L8Y011Jan 19, 2024 Linux for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M8L8X040Jan 16, 2024 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/CONNECT 9.4_M8M3Z002Jan 16, 2024 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of January 08, 2024
SAS/STAT 15.3L9L011 [ A ]Jan 09, 2024 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of January 01, 2024
SAS Environment Manager Mid-Tier 2.6_M2M7V002Jan 03, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
DataDirect ODBC Driver for Greenplum 9.44J7M003 [ A ]Jan 02, 2024 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Federation Server Manager Mid-Tier 4.4L5C002Jan 02, 2024 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of December 18, 2023
SAS Grid Manager Plug-ins for SAS Management Console 9.4_M8M8L001Dec 22, 2023 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Business Data Network Mid-Tier 3.3F9W017Dec 20, 2023 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS HTML Application Themes 5.2I7T004Dec 20, 2023 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of December 11, 2023
SAS/ACCESS Interface to PC Files 9.4_M6E8F007 [ A ]Dec 12, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of December 04, 2023
SAS Scalable Performance Data Server 5.4C9A007 [ A ]Dec 07, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of November 27, 2023
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M7I8E023Nov 30, 2023 Linux for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R142Nov 30, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of November 20, 2023
SAS/STAT 15.3L9L010 [ A ]Nov 22, 2023 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M6D9T155Nov 20, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of November 13, 2023
SAS Threaded Kernel Extension for Hadoop Hive 9.47J2W004Nov 17, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Hadoop 9.47J8A009Nov 17, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS HTML Application Themes 5.3M8G003Nov 15, 2023 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extension for MySQL 9.41_M2M8D001Nov 14, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extension for Hadoop Hive 9.48M8N001Nov 14, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Marketing Automation 6.6H8P027 [ A ]Nov 13, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
SAS Marketing Optimization 6.6H8Q026 [ A ]Nov 13, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
Released Week of November 06, 2023
Base SAS 9.4_M8L8X034Nov 08, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/STAT 15.3L9L009Nov 08, 2023 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to ODBC 9.4_M8M3G004Nov 08, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of October 30, 2023
SAS Federation Server Manager Mid-Tier 4.3H9U004Nov 03, 2023 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M8L8X033Nov 03, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Deployment Tester Plug-in for SAS Management Console 9.4_M10M8T001Nov 03, 2023 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
DataFlux Data Management Server 2.7_M1B5U005Nov 01, 2023 * Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
* indicates that the B5U005 "Release Date" varies by operating system.
DataFlux Data Management Server 2.8H3W014Nov 01, 2023 * Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
* indicates that the H3W014 "Release Date" varies by operating system.
DataFlux Data Management Server 2.9J6K019Nov 01, 2023 * Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
* indicates that the J6K019 "Release Date" varies by operating system.
Released Week of October 23, 2023
SAS Federation Server Manager Mid-Tier 4.5M7U001Oct 27, 2023 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
SAS Grid Manager Plug-ins for SAS Management Console 9.4_M7I8P009Oct 25, 2023 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Deployment Agent 9.49620J2U002Oct 25, 2023 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Deployment Agent 9.49618J2V002Oct 25, 2023 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Model Implementation Platform 3.2F6U009Oct 24, 2023 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Lineage Mid-Tier 3.3F8V007 [ A ]Oct 23, 2023 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Reference Data Manager 3.3G3I006Oct 23, 2023 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Task Manager Mid-Tier 2.4J1P005Oct 23, 2023 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Data Remediation Mid-Tier 2.4J7E007Oct 23, 2023 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of October 16, 2023
Base SAS 9.4_M8L8X028Oct 18, 2023 64-bit Enabled AIX
SAS Hadoop Configuration Libraries 2.8M7K001Oct 18, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Size Optimization 3.41_M2J3V007Oct 17, 2023 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Oracle 9.45M8F001Oct 17, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of October 09, 2023
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R136Oct 10, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
BASE Infrastructure to support Hadoop 9.47M5R001Oct 10, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of October 02, 2023
SAS Studio 3.8D8F012Oct 06, 2023 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.7_M1B5T005Oct 04, 2023 Windows
DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.8H9M013Oct 04, 2023 Windows
DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.9J6J016Oct 04, 2023 Windows
Base SAS 9.4_M6D9T153Oct 03, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Base SAS 9.4_M6F1E012 [ A ]Oct 03, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of September 25, 2023
SAS Studio 3.81J7N002Sep 28, 2023 Linux for x64
SAS/Secure SSL 9.41_M4K1M006 [ A ]Sep 27, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS BI Lineage Plug-in for SAS Management Console 4.4_M8M6I001Sep 27, 2023 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
Platform Web Services for SAS 1.7K4X004Sep 26, 2023 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of September 11, 2023
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Impala 9.47M5T002Sep 14, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
SAS/STAT 15.1I4X004 [ A ]Sep 13, 2023 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/STAT 15.1E9A005 [ A ]Sep 12, 2023 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to R/3 4.4_M8M7J001Sep 12, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R135Sep 11, 2023 64-bit Enabled AIX
SAS Threaded Kernel Extension for MongoDB 9.42K4R005Sep 11, 2023 Linux for x64
Released Week of September 04, 2023
Base SAS 9.4_M8L8X027Sep 07, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Compiler and Symbolic Differentiator 9.59M7A001Sep 07, 2023 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of August 28, 2023
SAS Revenue Optimization 5.41_M2M2C001Sep 01, 2023 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Compliance Solutions 7.1A5T020 [ A ]Aug 31, 2023 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7L5D002Aug 28, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M8L8X026Aug 28, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of August 21, 2023
SAS Management Console 9.4_M6D8N022 [ A ]Aug 25, 2023 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Middle Tier 9.4_M6D8T023 [ A ]Aug 25, 2023 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Threaded Kernel Metadata Component 9.4_M8M3A002Aug 23, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Threaded Kernel Metadata Component 9.4_M7J5A007Aug 22, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Oracle 9.44J8P006Aug 22, 2023 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M8L8Y006Aug 21, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ETS 15.3L9D002Aug 21, 2023 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of August 14, 2023
SAS/ETS 15.2J4K006Aug 18, 2023 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Interface to R 9.4_M7J9L002Aug 18, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Interface to R 9.4_M8M6J001Aug 18, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Data Quality Server 9.48M5Y001Aug 17, 2023 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of August 07, 2023
SAS Data Quality 9.47I6B004Aug 10, 2023 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Enterprise Guide 8.3I8T008Aug 08, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office 8.3I8U008Aug 08, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Visual Analytics Add-In for Office 8.3I8V008Aug 08, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Risk and Finance Workbench 3.2D4L019 [ A ]Aug 07, 2023 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of July 31, 2023
BASE Infrastructure to support Hadoop 9.48M5X001Aug 04, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to R/3 4.4_M7M6B001Aug 04, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of July 24, 2023
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M7I8E021Jul 27, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M8L8Y005Jul 27, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extension for Oracle 9.44J1E005Jul 24, 2023 64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of July 03, 2023
Base SAS 9.4_M8L8X022Jul 06, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 26, 2023
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R132Jun 28, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Micro Analytic Service Threaded Kernel Extensions 2.5_M3M4W001Jun 27, 2023 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 19, 2023
SAS/STAT 14.3I4Z003 [ A ]Jun 21, 2023 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Deployment Agent 9.49630L1B002Jun 20, 2023 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 12, 2023
SAS Risk Dimensions Server Component 6.13J9B001 [ A ]Jun 12, 2023 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
Released Week of June 05, 2023
SAS/STAT 15.2I5J012 [ A ]Jun 09, 2023 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Threaded Kernel IOM 9.4_M6E8G009Jun 08, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M8L8Y003Jun 05, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of May 29, 2023
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R130Jun 02, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Threaded Kernel IOM 9.4_M7J9S005Jun 02, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M6D9T150Jun 01, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R131Jun 01, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M8L8X020May 31, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of May 22, 2023
Base SAS 9.4_M8L8X014May 23, 2023 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
Released Week of May 15, 2023
Base SAS 9.4_M8L8X013May 17, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M8L8Y002May 17, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M6D9T148May 16, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of May 08, 2023
Base SAS 9.4_M8L8X016May 12, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Federation Server 4.2Y46020May 12, 2023 * Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
* indicates that the Y46020 "Release Date" varies by operating system.
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R125May 11, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Simulation Studio 15.3M3L001May 11, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Greenplum 9.42C9M005May 09, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of May 01, 2023
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M7I8E020May 05, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extension for ODBC 9.4_M8M3K001May 02, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of April 24, 2023
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R124Apr 28, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Grid Manager Module for SAS Environment Manager 1.8M3C001Apr 28, 2023 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of April 17, 2023
DataDirect ODBC Driver for Amazon Redshift 9.43E8C004Apr 18, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Deployment Backup and Recovery Tool 9.45J4S004Apr 18, 2023 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of April 10, 2023
SAS Grid Manager Module for SAS Environment Manager 1.7K1N003Apr 13, 2023 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/GRAPH 9.4_M7L2F003Apr 13, 2023 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/GRAPH 9.4_M8L9R002Apr 13, 2023 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to ODBC 9.4_M6F4C007 [ A ]Apr 12, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of April 03, 2023
Base SAS 9.4_M8L8X007Apr 07, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Teradata 9.47J8F008Apr 06, 2023 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.7_M1B5T004Apr 05, 2023 Windows
DataFlux Data Management Server 2.7_M1B5U004Apr 05, 2023 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
DataFlux Data Management Server 2.8H3W011Apr 05, 2023 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.8H9M010Apr 05, 2023 Windows
DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.9J6J013Apr 05, 2023 Windows
DataFlux Data Management Server 2.9J6K016Apr 05, 2023 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Teradata 9.48M2B001Apr 05, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Threaded Kernel IOM 9.4_M8L9M001Apr 04, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R120 [ A ]Apr 03, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R121Apr 03, 2023 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of March 27, 2023
SAS Forecast Studio 15.2K9B003Mar 29, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M8L8X012Mar 29, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Enterprise Miner Client 15.2M1S001Mar 29, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Time Series Studio 15.2M1T001Mar 29, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel User Functions 9.4_M8M2A001Mar 29, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M8L8X010Mar 28, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/STAT 15.3L9L004 [ A ]Mar 27, 2023 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of March 20, 2023
SAS/GRAPH 9.4_M7L2F002Mar 20, 2023 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/GRAPH 9.4_M8L9R001Mar 20, 2023 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of March 13, 2023
Base SAS 9.4_M5B6Q105 [ A ]Mar 15, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Infrastructure Data Base JDBC Drivers 9.42J6E003Mar 15, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Platform Web Services for SAS 1.8L9N001Mar 15, 2023 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of March 06, 2023
SAS/STAT 15.3L9L002 [ A ]Mar 10, 2023 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extension for Snowflake 9.43L9S001Mar 10, 2023 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to SAP IQ 9.4_M6J8U003Mar 08, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to SAP IQ 9.4_M7L9G001Mar 08, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/STAT 15.2I5J010 [ A ]Mar 07, 2023 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R117Mar 06, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of February 27, 2023
Base SAS 9.4_M8L8X004Feb 27, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of February 20, 2023
ODS Templates 9.4_M7K2P003Feb 22, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.9J6J012 [ A ]Feb 21, 2023 Windows
DataFlux Data Management Server 2.9J6K015 [ A ]Feb 21, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of February 13, 2023
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Netezza 9.45L8W001Feb 16, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R115Feb 15, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Greenplum 9.44K7Y003Feb 13, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of February 06, 2023
SAS Size Optimization 3.41D3R011 [ A ]Feb 10, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R113Feb 10, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Netezza 9.44J1R004Feb 07, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64
Released Week of January 30, 2023
Base SAS 9.4_M6D9T147Feb 01, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R110Feb 01, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M6D9T146Jan 31, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R106Jan 31, 2023 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Portal and Portlets 4.4_M7J3H003Jan 30, 2023 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of January 23, 2023
SAS Threaded Kernel Extension for Microsoft SQL Server 9.43K3Z002Jan 25, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of January 09, 2023
DataDirect ODBC Drivers for Federation Server 4.4L8A001Jan 11, 2023 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of December 19, 2022
SAS Size Optimization 3.4W19025 [ A ]Dec 23, 2022 Windows, Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to OLE DB 9.4_M7L6R002Dec 20, 2022 Windows, Windows for x64
Released Week of December 12, 2022
SAS Forecast Analyst Workbench 5.4H8X011Dec 15, 2022 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
Released Week of December 05, 2022
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Teradata 9.46F1K005Dec 06, 2022 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M6F4P007Dec 06, 2022 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for FedSQL and DS2 Standalone 9.4_M7J1F006Dec 06, 2022 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7L5N002Dec 06, 2022 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Table Server Base Components 9.4_M7L5P002Dec 06, 2022 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of November 28, 2022
Threaded Kernel Metadata Component 9.4_M6E2A005Nov 29, 2022 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of November 21, 2022
SAS Forecast Server 15.2K9I002Nov 22, 2022 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of November 14, 2022
Base SAS JAR Files 9.4_M7L7X001Nov 18, 2022 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of November 07, 2022
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R107Nov 07, 2022 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of October 24, 2022
SAS Data Quality 9.47I6H002Oct 24, 2022 Windows, Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of October 17, 2022
SAS/STAT 15.1E8U015Oct 20, 2022 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/STAT 15.2I5J008Oct 20, 2022 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of October 10, 2022
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Spark 9.4K4W003Oct 12, 2022 Linux for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to DB2 9.43F9A004 [ A ]Oct 10, 2022 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7L7G001Oct 10, 2022 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of October 03, 2022
SAS/ACCESS Interface to DB2 9.44K2R007Oct 07, 2022 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of September 26, 2022
SAS Business Rules Manager 3.3F5B014 [ A ]Sep 29, 2022 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Model Manager 14.3G3Z008 [ A ]Sep 29, 2022 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of September 05, 2022
SAS/ACCESS Interface to MongoDB 9.41G7Z006Sep 08, 2022 Linux for x64
Released Week of August 29, 2022
SAS/STAT 15.2I5J007Aug 29, 2022 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of August 22, 2022
SAS Threaded Kernel Extension for ODBC 9.4_M7K3X002Aug 25, 2022 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
DataFlux Data Management Server 2.8H3W008Aug 24, 2022 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.8H9M007Aug 24, 2022 Windows
DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.9J6J009Aug 24, 2022 Windows
DataFlux Data Management Server 2.9J6K012Aug 24, 2022 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
SAS ODBC Driver for Federation Server 4.4L6Y001Aug 24, 2022 Windows for x64
Released Week of August 01, 2022
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Hadoop 9.46E4Y013 [ A ]Aug 01, 2022 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of July 25, 2022
SAS Threaded Kernel DS2 and FedSQL Language Processors 9.41_M5I9H010Jul 28, 2022 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of July 11, 2022
SAS High-Performance Risk 4.2G2F007 [ A ]Jul 15, 2022 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of July 04, 2022
SAS Cost and Profitability Management 8.4_M1K4C007Jul 07, 2022 * Windows for x64
Linux for x64
* indicates that the K4C007 "Release Date" varies by operating system.
Released Week of June 27, 2022
SAS/ETS 15.2K8W002 [ A ]Jul 01, 2022 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Platform Web Services for SAS 1.61K9X002Jul 01, 2022 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Platform Web Services for SAS 1.6L2A002Jul 01, 2022 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Snowflake 9.41L1C002Jun 30, 2022 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of June 20, 2022
Base SAS 9.4_M6E3R005Jun 20, 2022 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to SAP ASE 9.4_M6L6U001Jun 20, 2022 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 13, 2022
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M7I8E014Jun 16, 2022 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel DS2 and FedSQL Language Processors 9.41_M5K7K002Jun 16, 2022 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Grid Manager Plug-ins for SAS Management Console 9.4_M6E5T019 [ A ]Jun 15, 2022 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Visual Analytics 7.5F9L018Jun 15, 2022 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Flex Application Themes 5.1G4B009Jun 15, 2022 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Environment Manager Mid-Tier 2.6G5X008Jun 15, 2022 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Financial Management 5.6G3M003Jun 14, 2022 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R099Jun 14, 2022 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 06, 2022
SAS Workflow Administrator 1.5_M1J3J003Jun 06, 2022 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Workflow Administrator 1.5J4T002Jun 06, 2022 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of May 30, 2022
SAS BI Dashboard 4.41H9V003Jun 01, 2022 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of May 23, 2022
SAS Factory Miner 15.2J4Z004May 27, 2022 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of May 16, 2022
SAS/SECURE 9.41_M3D9J003May 20, 2022 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Base SAS 9.4_M6K1K002May 20, 2022 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M6D9T143May 19, 2022 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R087May 19, 2022 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R098May 16, 2022 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of April 25, 2022
SAS Decision Services 6.4_M2K3B003Apr 29, 2022 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
SAS Fraud Management 4.4_M1C4E010Apr 28, 2022 z/OS 64-bit
Linux for x64
Released Week of April 18, 2022
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R093Apr 20, 2022 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of April 11, 2022
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Oracle 9.43E7L004Apr 13, 2022 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of April 04, 2022
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R090Apr 06, 2022 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of March 28, 2022
SAS Profitability Management 2.4_M1L4S001Mar 31, 2022 Windows, Windows for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R086Mar 30, 2022 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Metadata Bridges 4.41L3F001Mar 30, 2022 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of March 21, 2022
SAS Cost and Profitability Management 8.4K6W003Mar 24, 2022 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of February 28, 2022
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R082Mar 04, 2022 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS ODS Graphics C Renderer 9.46L2J001Mar 04, 2022 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of February 14, 2022
SAS/STAT 15.2I5J006Feb 18, 2022 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Data Integration Studio 4.904D8Y011Feb 15, 2022 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel 9.4_M7I5V014Feb 14, 2022 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of February 07, 2022
SAS/ACCESS Interface to R/3 4.4_M6L3N001Feb 11, 2022 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of January 31, 2022
SAS Threaded Kernel 9.4_M7I5V011Feb 02, 2022 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R077Jan 31, 2022 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of January 24, 2022
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Amazon Redshift 9.43J6I002Jan 28, 2022 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R076Jan 25, 2022 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.9J6J006 [ A ]Jan 25, 2022 Windows
DataFlux Data Management Server 2.9J6K009 [ A ]Jan 25, 2022 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/SECURE Java Component 9.4_M7K9Z001Jan 24, 2022 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of January 17, 2022
SAS Threaded Kernel 9.4_M7I5V010Jan 19, 2022 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Report Studio 4.4_M6E3E009Jan 18, 2022 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Report Viewer 4.4_M6E3F009Jan 18, 2022 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Report Studio 4.4_M6E3G009Jan 18, 2022 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of December 20, 2021
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R071Dec 22, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
DataDirect ODBC Driver for Greenplum 9.43H9L002Dec 21, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of December 13, 2021
JMP Genomics 10.0K1Q002Dec 16, 2021 Windows for x64
Base SAS JAR Files 9.4_M6E1Y015 [ A ]Dec 13, 2021 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS XML Mapper 9.45G1Z002Dec 13, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/STAT 15.2I5J004Dec 13, 2021 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of November 29, 2021
SAS Threaded Kernel DS2 and FedSQL Language Processors 9.41_M5I9H009Dec 01, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R069Dec 01, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of November 15, 2021
SAS Integration Technologies Client 9.49E2F006Nov 21, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R068Nov 17, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of November 01, 2021
SAS Job Flow Scheduler Trigger 9.46G6W011 [ A ]Nov 05, 2021 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Job Flow Scheduler Orchestrator 9.46E3I017Nov 04, 2021 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Job Flow Scheduler Server 9.46E5V015Nov 04, 2021 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of October 25, 2021
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M5B5M019Oct 29, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M5B6Q104Oct 29, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of October 18, 2021
Data Integration Studio 4.902A6K004Oct 19, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64
DataFlux Data Management Server 2.9J6K005Oct 19, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
DataFlux Data Management Server 2.9J6K006Oct 19, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of October 11, 2021
Base SAS 9.4_M6G6F002Oct 15, 2021 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of October 04, 2021
SAS Risk and Finance Workbench 3.1C5N013 [ A ]Oct 08, 2021 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Middle Tier 9.4_M5B6K015 [ A ]Oct 06, 2021 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Management Console 9.4_M5B6T015 [ A ]Oct 06, 2021 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Grid Manager Plug-ins for SAS Management Console 9.4_M5C8A004Oct 06, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of September 20, 2021
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M6E3Q027Sep 24, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Greenplum 9.43F1P005 [ A ]Sep 23, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R062Sep 20, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7K6U001 [ A ]Sep 20, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of September 13, 2021
SAS Threaded Kernel DS2 and FedSQL Language Processors 9.41_M5I9H006Sep 15, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extension for Spark 9.4K6N001Sep 15, 2021 Linux for x64
Released Week of September 06, 2021
SAS/ACCESS Interface to PostgreSQL 9.4_M7J6G005Sep 10, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Federation Server 4.2Y46027Sep 10, 2021 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R059Sep 09, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of August 30, 2021
SAS/ACCESS Interface to PostgreSQL 9.4_M6H3J004 [ A ]Sep 02, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Portal and Portlets 4.4_M3D8L003Sep 01, 2021 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of August 23, 2021
Threaded Kernel National Language Support 9.4_M7K6M001Aug 27, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel User Functions 9.4_M7I7U003Aug 26, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R058Aug 26, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Enterprise Miner 15.2K3U002 [ A ]Aug 24, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of August 16, 2021
SAS Threaded Kernel DS2 and FedSQL Language Processors 9.41_M5I9H007Aug 17, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of August 09, 2021
SAS High-Performance Computing Management Console 3.0K6Q001Aug 09, 2021 Linux for x64
Released Week of August 02, 2021
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R052Aug 06, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of July 26, 2021
PROC HTTP 9.43K6G001Jul 28, 2021 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of July 05, 2021
DataFlux API for Hadoop 9.47K4T001Jul 07, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 28, 2021
Threaded Kernel IOM 9.4_M6E8G008Jul 02, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ETS 15.1H8Y003 [ A ]Jul 01, 2021 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M6G2L009Jun 29, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M4A3Z076 [ A ]Jun 28, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 21, 2021
Base SAS 9.4_M5B6Q103Jun 24, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to PC Files 9.4_M5B7U005Jun 23, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 07, 2021
Base SAS 9.4_M6D9T134Jun 10, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of May 31, 2021
Threaded Kernel IOM 9.4_M5B6M006Jun 03, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Data Quality Server 9.46G4P005Jun 03, 2021 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Hive SerDe for SPDE Data 9.44K4D001Jun 02, 2021 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M5B6Q102Jun 01, 2021 z/OS
Released Week of May 24, 2021
SAS Threaded Kernel Grid 9.4_M5B5L005May 28, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Micro Analytic Service 2.5_M3K4F001May 28, 2021 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of May 17, 2021
SAS Threaded Kernel Extension for Amazon Redshift 9.43K3Y001May 20, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Federation Server 4.2Y46026May 20, 2021 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extension for Greenplum 9.44K3W001May 19, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to DB2 9.44K2R004May 17, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Released Week of May 10, 2021
SAS Threaded Kernel 9.4_M4A5D006May 13, 2021 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel 9.4_M6E2G017May 12, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
JMP Clinical 8.0K3P001May 12, 2021 Windows for x64
Released Week of April 26, 2021
Base SAS 9.4_M6D9T131 [ A ]Apr 29, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel DS2 and FedSQL Language Processors 9.41_M4E9Y008Apr 28, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R034Apr 27, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of April 19, 2021
SAS Federation Server 4.2Y46025Apr 23, 2021 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to DB2 9.43F4B006Apr 19, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Released Week of April 12, 2021
Base SAS 9.4_M6D9T130Apr 16, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Vertica 9.4_M5D6G003Apr 15, 2021 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M6D9T129Apr 15, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Vertica 9.4_M6F8S003Apr 15, 2021 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R033Apr 15, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01110Apr 15, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M6D9T127Apr 13, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R001Apr 13, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of April 05, 2021
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for FedSQL and DS2 Standalone 9.4_M6E5Q003Apr 09, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M5B6Q100Apr 08, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R026Apr 05, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of March 29, 2021
SAS ODBC Drivers for the Web Infrastructure Platform Data Server 9.45F9X003Apr 02, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of March 29, 2021
SAS Code Debugger 4.3J8Z001Mar 31, 2021 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for Graph Analytics 15.2K2S001Mar 31, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Netezza 9.43F8R004Mar 29, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64
Released Week of March 22, 2021
SAS/ETS 14.2A5K008 [ A ]Mar 25, 2021 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ETS 14.3B6N006 [ A ]Mar 25, 2021 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R022Mar 23, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Job Monitor 2.2_M1C1Y007Mar 22, 2021 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of March 15, 2021
Base SAS 9.4_M5B6Q099Mar 19, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M6D9T123Mar 19, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Code Debugger 4.2J9N001Mar 19, 2021 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extension for PostgreSQL 9.4_M6K1E001Mar 19, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M4A3Z075Mar 17, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Grid Manager Plug-ins for SAS Management Console 9.4_M3C4D007Mar 16, 2021 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Salesforce 9.41I7Y002Mar 16, 2021 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
Released Week of March 08, 2021
SAS/Secure SSL 9.41_M3E8W003Mar 12, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Middle Tier 9.4_M2R75023 [ A ]Mar 12, 2021 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Management Console 9.4_M2R76023 [ A ]Mar 12, 2021 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Middle Tier 9.4_M3V10031 [ A ]Mar 12, 2021 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Management Console 9.4_M3V11030Mar 12, 2021 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Threaded Kernel IOM 9.4_M6E8G006Mar 09, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Threaded Kernel IOM 9.4_M7J9S001Mar 09, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of March 01, 2021
Base SAS 9.4_M5D2L004Mar 05, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to the PI System 9.44F8X005Mar 05, 2021 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Interface to R 9.4_M7J9L001Mar 05, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Threaded Kernel Extensions for Operations Research and GRAPH Analytics 8.5J9Z001Mar 03, 2021 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Middle Tier 9.4_M4A4I017 [ A ]Mar 02, 2021 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Management Console 9.4_M4A4L017Mar 02, 2021 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to the PI System 9.45J8N001Mar 01, 2021 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of February 22, 2021
SAS Data Loader Mid-Tier 3.1B3I005Feb 26, 2021 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extension for Salesforce 9.42J8Y001Feb 25, 2021 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to SAP IQ 9.4_M6J8S001Feb 24, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of February 15, 2021
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for Operations Research 14.2A5L002Feb 19, 2021 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Threaded Kernel Extensions for Operations Research and GRAPH Analytics 15.2J4N002Feb 19, 2021 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to SAP IQ 9.4_M5J8X001Feb 19, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel 9.4_M7I5V004Feb 18, 2021 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel DS2 and FedSQL Language Processors 9.41_M5I9H004Feb 18, 2021 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Decision Services 6.4_M1Z24006 [ A ]Feb 16, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
ODS Templates 9.4_M6E7M006Feb 15, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of February 08, 2021
SAS Federation Server 4.2Y46024Feb 08, 2021 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of February 01, 2021
Threaded Kernel Metadata Component 9.4_M5C1D005Feb 02, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS High-Performance Risk 3.6Z08012 [ A ]Feb 02, 2021 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of January 25, 2021
SAS Web Infrastructure Data Base JDBC Drivers 9.41J1S001Jan 28, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
DataFlux Data Management Server 2.9J6K003Jan 28, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M6D9T117Jan 27, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.9J6J002Jan 25, 2021 Windows
DataFlux Data Management Server 2.9J6K002Jan 25, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of January 18, 2021
SAS Digital Marketing 6.5Z69024 [ A ]Jan 22, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Marketing Automation 6.5Z77027 [ A ]Jan 22, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Marketing Optimization 6.5Z82026 [ A ]Jan 22, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Deployment Backup and Recovery Tool 9.41Y20010Jan 21, 2021 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel User Functions 9.4_M7I7U002Jan 20, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of January 11, 2021
SAS Threaded Kernel User Functions 9.4_M6F4E004Jan 15, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Microsoft SQL Server 9.44G4F004 [ A ]Jan 15, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M7I8E002Jan 13, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Drivers for JDBC 9.46J4P001Jan 13, 2021 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for FedSQL and DS2 Standalone 9.4_M7J1F002Jan 12, 2021 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Drivers for JDBC 9.45J4D001Jan 11, 2021 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Interface to R 9.4_M6J6X001Jan 11, 2021 Windows, Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of January 04, 2021
SAS/QC 15.1J6Y001Jan 08, 2021 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Federation Server 4.2Y46014Jan 06, 2021 * 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
* indicates that the Y46014 "Release Date" varies by operating system.
SAS Federation Server 4.2Y46015Jan 06, 2021 * Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
* indicates that the Y46015 "Release Date" varies by operating system.
Released Week of December 21, 2020
DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.9J6J001Dec 21, 2020 Windows
DataFlux Data Management Server 2.9J6K001Dec 21, 2020 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of December 14, 2020
Base SAS 9.4_M5B6Q098 [ A ]Dec 18, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Federation Server 4.2Y46023Dec 18, 2020 Linux for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M6E3Q024Dec 17, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Energy Forecasting Mid-Tier 4.3J5W001Dec 16, 2020 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of December 07, 2020
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Yellowbrick 9.4M7J6H001Dec 11, 2020 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
Released Week of November 30, 2020
SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Data Server 9.4_M6F6P006Nov 30, 2020 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for Interactive Matrix Language 15.1J3A001 [ A ]Nov 30, 2020 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for Interactive Matrix Language 15.2J3B001 [ A ]Nov 30, 2020 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ETS 15.2J4K001Nov 30, 2020 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of November 16, 2020
SAS Threaded Kernel 9.4_M6F8C004Nov 18, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Visual Analytics Graph Builder Logical Types 7.51J1D001Nov 18, 2020 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of November 09, 2020
SAS Cloud Analytic Services SAS Client V.03.04E9X002Nov 10, 2020 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of November 02, 2020
SAS Information Retrieval Studio for SAS 1.55I9Z001Nov 02, 2020 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of October 26, 2020
SAS Portal and Portlets 4.4_M6E6W005Oct 29, 2020 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M7I9R004Oct 27, 2020 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of October 19, 2020
SAS Threaded Kernel User Functions 9.4_M7I7U001Oct 22, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of October 12, 2020
SAS/ACCESS Interface to SAP HANA 9.46I6F001Oct 14, 2020 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of October 05, 2020
SAS High-Performance Risk 4.1D1Y005 [ A ]Oct 08, 2020 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for High-Performance Data Mining 15.12I7H001Oct 05, 2020 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for High-Performance Data Mining 15.2I7I001Oct 05, 2020 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of September 28, 2020
SAS Data Quality Server 9.45E3D005Sep 30, 2020 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Enterprise Guide 8.2G5J005Sep 29, 2020 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office 8.2G7H005Sep 29, 2020 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Visual Analytics Add-In for Office 8.2G7I005Sep 29, 2020 Windows, Windows for x64
Released Week of September 21, 2020
Base SAS 9.4_M6D9T104Sep 25, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of September 14, 2020
SAS Threaded Kernel Grid 9.4_M3V72017Sep 14, 2020 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of September 07, 2020
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for LASR Analytic Server 2.81C8E002Sep 09, 2020 Linux for x64
Released Week of August 31, 2020
SAS/ACCESS Interface to MySQL 9.41H7C002Sep 02, 2020 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M3V53007 [ A ]Aug 31, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of August 24, 2020
SAS/ACCESS Interface to PostgreSQL 9.4_M5D6F004Aug 26, 2020 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Simulation Studio 15.1I4W001Aug 24, 2020 Windows, Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of August 17, 2020
SAS Scalable Performance Data Server 5.3A3J005 [ A ]Aug 19, 2020 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of August 10, 2020
SAS Environment Manager Agent 2.5_M1A6R006 [ A ]Aug 14, 2020 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Environment Manager 2.5_M1A8X009 [ A ]Aug 14, 2020 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Federation Server 4.2Y46021Aug 14, 2020 Linux for x64
SAS/GRAPH 9.4_M6G2K002Aug 12, 2020 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Enterprise Guide 7.15B4N009Aug 10, 2020 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Add-in for Microsoft Office 7.15B4P009Aug 10, 2020 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M6E3Q023Aug 10, 2020 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of August 03, 2020
SAS/STAT 14.1V34014Aug 05, 2020 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of July 27, 2020
SAS Threaded Kernel User Functions 9.4_M6F4E003Jul 31, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M6I2B001Jul 29, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of July 20, 2020
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M4A5F019Jul 24, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M4B8H002Jul 24, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M5B5M018Jul 23, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M5B8G002Jul 23, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of July 06, 2020
Base SAS 9.4_M6D9T095Jul 12, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Studio 3.8H9Y001Jul 08, 2020 Linux for x64
SAS Flex Application Themes 4.7.2B7N008 [ A ]Jul 06, 2020 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Data Integration Studio 4.901W51007Jul 06, 2020 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 29, 2020
Data Integration Studio 4.903C5F002Jul 02, 2020 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M6D9T093Jul 02, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M4A3Z073 [ A ]Jul 01, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M4A3Z074Jul 01, 2020 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 22, 2020
Base SAS 9.4_M3H9T001Jun 26, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extension for Oracle 9.41A8Q003Jun 25, 2020 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Environment Manager 2.5_M2B7R007Jun 23, 2020 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Environment Manager Agent 2.5_M2C1K002Jun 23, 2020 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 15, 2020
SAS Threaded Kernel Extension for Oracle 9.43H4A001Jun 19, 2020 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 08, 2020
ODS Templates 9.4_M4D7G003Jun 10, 2020 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extension for Oracle 9.42C8W002Jun 09, 2020 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Enterprise Miner 15.1E5I005 [ A ]Jun 09, 2020 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Text Miner 15.1E5K004Jun 09, 2020 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 01, 2020
Base SAS 9.4_M6D9T090Jun 05, 2020 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to the PI System 9.43D3W006Jun 04, 2020 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M6D9T085Jun 03, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to HAWQ 9.4_M3H7L001Jun 02, 2020 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extension for Impala 9.43H6J001Jun 01, 2020 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
Released Week of May 25, 2020
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Impala 9.45H6D001May 29, 2020 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Oracle 9.42C7I004 [ A ]May 28, 2020 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for Statistics 15.1F2U003 [ A ]May 28, 2020 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to SAP HANA 9.45H7M001May 28, 2020 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M6H7X001May 28, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel 9.4_M6E2G014May 27, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/STAT 15.1E8U011May 27, 2020 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to ODBC 9.4_M5B7V003May 26, 2020 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Microsoft SQL Server 9.43B7X002May 26, 2020 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of May 18, 2020
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Impala 9.44B7E004May 22, 2020 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Oracle 9.41B4F005May 21, 2020 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M5B6Q092May 19, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M5B6Q094May 18, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel 9.4_M5C1S014May 18, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of May 11, 2020
Cloud Analytics Services Connection and Submission Client 8.3G2C002May 15, 2020 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/STAT 14.3C9Y006May 14, 2020 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel 9.4_M5C1S012May 11, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
JMP Clinical 7.1G8H002May 11, 2020 Windows, Windows for x64
Released Week of May 04, 2020
Base SAS 9.4_M6D9T079May 07, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel 9.4_M5C1S013May 06, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel 9.4_M6E2G013May 06, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of April 27, 2020
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M5B5M017May 01, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel DS2 and FedSQL Language Processors 9.41_M3B8T005May 01, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M6E3Q019May 01, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Federation Server 4.2Y46019May 01, 2020 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS High-Performance Risk 3.8B2T009 [ A ]Apr 28, 2020 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of April 20, 2020
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M6E3Q018Apr 24, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Threaded Kernel OLAP Server Component 9.4_M6H4H001 [ A ]Apr 22, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/STAT 15.1E8U010Apr 20, 2020 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of April 13, 2020
SAS Quality Analytic Suite Server Configuration 6.3H5J001 [ A ]Apr 17, 2020 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for Econometric Time Series 14.3C6F003Apr 14, 2020 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/STAT 15.1E8U009Apr 14, 2020 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for Econometric Time Series 15.1F1H002Apr 14, 2020 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Forecast Server Procedures 14.1H4M001Apr 14, 2020 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Forecast Server Procedures 14.3H4N001Apr 14, 2020 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Forecast Server Procedures 15.1H4P001Apr 14, 2020 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for Econometric Time Series 14.1V29004Apr 14, 2020 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of April 06, 2020
Threaded Kernel National Language Support 9.4_M6F4Z002Apr 10, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS BI Dashboard 4.4_M6H4L001Apr 09, 2020 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of March 30, 2020
Base SAS 9.4_M6D9T075Mar 30, 2020 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of March 23, 2020
SAS Enterprise Case Management 6.3_M1B1Y007 [ A ]Mar 27, 2020 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
Released Week of March 16, 2020
SAS Credit Scoring 6.3E7H003Mar 20, 2020 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS/ETS 15.1E4E004Mar 18, 2020 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of March 09, 2020
SAS Scalable Performance Data Server 5.2U88005 [ A ]Mar 10, 2020 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of March 02, 2020
Base SAS 9.4_M6D9T071Mar 06, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
DataFlux Data Management Server 2.8H3W001Mar 06, 2020 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of February 17, 2020
SAS Studio 3.71C2L008 [ A ]Feb 21, 2020 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Threaded Kernel Log for SAS 9.4_M4H3K001Feb 21, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of February 10, 2020
SAS Decision Services 6.4V46009 [ A ]Feb 12, 2020 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Hadoop 9.45D7H004 [ A ]Feb 10, 2020 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of February 03, 2020
Base SAS 9.4_M4A3Z071Feb 06, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of January 27, 2020
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M6E3Q017Jan 30, 2020 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Cost and Profitability Management 8.3D5V003Jan 29, 2020 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of January 20, 2020
SAS Infrastructure for Risk Management 3.5D5F007 [ A ]Jan 24, 2020 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Integration Technologies 9.4_M6G7N001Jan 22, 2020 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M6D9T062Jan 20, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Enterprise Guide 8.1F6J002Jan 20, 2020 Windows, Windows for x64
Released Week of January 13, 2020
SAS Marketing Automation 6.4U53024 [ A ]Jan 16, 2020 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Marketing Optimization 6.4U54024Jan 16, 2020 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Digital Marketing 6.4U55021Jan 16, 2020 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M6G7U001Jan 15, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of January 06, 2020
SAS Enterprise GRC 6.1T04017 [ A ]Jan 10, 2020 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M5B6Q088Jan 06, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M5B6Q089Jan 06, 2020 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of December 23, 2019
SAS Accelerator Publishing Agent for Greenplum 9.4_M3F1Q001Dec 23, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Accelerator Publishing Agent for Greenplum 9.43F4U001Dec 23, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of December 16, 2019
Base SAS 9.4_M6D9T058Dec 20, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M5B6Q090Dec 18, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of December 09, 2019
SAS Information Map Studio 4.4_M6F2V001Dec 12, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS OLAP Cube Studio 4.4_M6G5E001Dec 12, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M5C1R006Dec 11, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/GRAPH ActiveX Control 9.46G4Z001Dec 10, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Hive SerDe for SPDE Data 9.43G4G001Dec 09, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of December 02, 2019
SAS Revenue Optimization 5.4B3R006 [ A ]Dec 06, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M5B6Q085Dec 06, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Base SAS 9.4_M4A3Z068Dec 05, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
SAS Forecast Server 14.3C4L002Dec 03, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Forecast Server 14.1W73002Dec 03, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Risk and Finance Workbench 2.3A4G011 [ A ]Dec 02, 2019 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01108 [ A ]Dec 02, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of November 25, 2019
SAS Threaded Kernel 9.4_M5C1S010Nov 26, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of November 18, 2019
Base SAS 9.4_M4A3Z070Nov 21, 2019 z/OS
SAS/ETS 14.2A5K007 [ A ]Nov 21, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ETS 14.3B6N005 [ A ]Nov 21, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ETS 15.1E4E003 [ A ]Nov 21, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ETS 14.1V25009 [ A ]Nov 21, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M5B6Q086Nov 19, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M4A3Z069Nov 18, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/IntrNet 9.4_M4G4L001Nov 18, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/IntrNet 9.4_M6G4M001Nov 18, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of November 11, 2019
SAS/STAT 15.1E8U005 [ A ]Nov 14, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/STAT 15.1E8U006Nov 14, 2019 * z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
* indicates that the E8U006 "Release Date" varies by operating system.
SAS Data Quality Server 9.46G4P001Nov 14, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ETS 14.1V24005 [ A ]Nov 14, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Model Implementation Platform 3.1C9P006Nov 11, 2019 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of November 04, 2019
SAS/CONNECT 9.4_M3A1L005Nov 07, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/CONNECT 9.4_M5C3G004Nov 07, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/GRAPH JAR Files 9.4_M6G4D001Nov 07, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of October 28, 2019
SAS Threaded Kernel Grid 9.4_M5B5L004Oct 30, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Data Surveyor for SAP 5.41G3L001Oct 30, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
Released Week of October 21, 2019
SAS/CONNECT 9.4_M6G3R001Oct 23, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M6D9T039Oct 22, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Interface to Viya Model Publishing and Scoring 8.3F6M001Oct 22, 2019 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
SAS Federation Server 4.1_M1W97005Oct 21, 2019 * 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
* indicates that the W97005 "Release Date" varies by operating system.
Released Week of October 14, 2019
Base SAS 9.4_M5B6Q083Oct 18, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/GRAPH Java Applets for Web Servers 9.45D9L003Oct 16, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Secure 9.4_M6E5U004Oct 15, 2019 64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of October 07, 2019
Base SAS 9.4_M6D9T052Oct 11, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Portal and Portlets 4.4_M5C5X002Oct 10, 2019 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Risk Governance Framework 7.3C2I004Oct 08, 2019 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Model Risk Management 7.3C3S004Oct 08, 2019 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of September 30, 2019
SAS/SECURE Client Components 9.4_M5G2W001Oct 04, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M5G2J001Oct 03, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Grid 9.4_M4A5G007Oct 02, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS BI Lineage Plug-in for SAS Management Console 4.4_M6G2R001Oct 02, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Model Manager 14.2_M1F7I002Sep 30, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of September 23, 2019
SAS Model Manager 14.2A9A008Sep 26, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to OLE DB 9.4_M6G2Y001Sep 26, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to OLE DB 9.4_M5D9C002Sep 25, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS/AF 9.4_M4G2X001Sep 25, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of September 16, 2019
SAS/AF 9.4_M6G2A001Sep 19, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of September 09, 2019
SAS Lineage Mid-Tier 3.2B3Y002Sep 11, 2019 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Drivers for Federation Server 4.2Z51004Sep 11, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Social Network Analysis 6.2_M4C7T004Sep 10, 2019 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of September 02, 2019
SAS/ACCESS Interface to DB2 9.42F9R001Sep 04, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Teradata 9.45D9H003Sep 03, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M6G1J001Sep 03, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of August 26, 2019
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Greenplum 9.4_M2S55004Aug 30, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Teradata 9.44C3N004Aug 29, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Teradata 9.43W84003Aug 29, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Enterprise Miner 14.3B8M004 [ A ]Aug 28, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Text Miner 14.3C1I004Aug 28, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/STAT 15.1E8U003 [ A ]Aug 27, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M4A3Z066Aug 26, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M6F9U001Aug 26, 2019 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of August 19, 2019
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Netezza 9.42C9E003 [ A ]Aug 23, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Drivers for Scalable Performance Data 5.3_M3F8T001Aug 23, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Components for Scalable Performance Data 9.41_M6F8U001Aug 23, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/STAT 14.3C9Y003 [ A ]Aug 21, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS High-Performance Risk 3.9B6P007 [ A ]Aug 20, 2019 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office 8.1F6K001Aug 20, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Visual Analytics Add-In for Office 8.1F6L001Aug 20, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
Released Week of August 12, 2019
SAS Data Quality Server 9.45E3D003Aug 14, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Threaded Kernel National Language Support 9.4_M5B5Y003Aug 12, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for Econometric Time Series 14.2C5Q005Aug 12, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of August 05, 2019
SAS Visual Analytics 7.4B2B015 [ A ]Aug 09, 2019 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of July 29, 2019
SAS Web Report Studio 4.4_M5B6U009Aug 02, 2019 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Report Viewer 4.4_M5B6V009Aug 02, 2019 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Report Studio 4.4_M5B6W009Aug 02, 2019 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Business Rules Manager 3.2_M1F7L001Jul 31, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of July 22, 2019
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for FedSQL and DS2 Standalone 9.4_M6E5Q002Jul 26, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Threaded Kernel IOM 9.4_M6E8G002Jul 26, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Cloud Analytic Services support for Third Party Clients 9.61F2K001Jul 26, 2019 Windows for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel In-Database Supervisor 9.41_M4F6B001Jul 26, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Fraud Management 4.3Z41007Jul 25, 2019 Linux for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to DB2 9.41B5Z004Jul 24, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of July 15, 2019
DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.7_M1B5T003Jul 19, 2019 Windows
DataFlux Data Management Server 2.7_M1B5U003Jul 19, 2019 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Financial Management 5.5T43022 [ A ]Jul 17, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Grid Manager Module for SAS Environment Manager 1.3W27003Jul 16, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Visual Analytics 7.3V90013 [ A ]Jul 15, 2019 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Federation Server 4.2Y46018Jul 15, 2019 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of July 01, 2019
SAS Quality Analytic Suite 6.2_M1B4T002 [ A ]Jul 05, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M6D9T038Jul 05, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Grid Manager Plug-ins for SAS Management Console 9.4_M4C7R002Jul 02, 2019 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 24, 2019
SAS Forecast Server 15.1E7Z001Jun 28, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Time Series Studio 15.1E8A001Jun 28, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Environment Manager Enablement Kit 2.3D5L001 [ A ]Jun 27, 2019 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Environment Manager Enablement Kit 2.4D6U001 [ A ]Jun 27, 2019 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Threaded Kernel National Language Support 9.4_M6F4Z001Jun 26, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M6E3Q007Jun 25, 2019 Windows for x64
SAS Studio 3.7C7W003Jun 24, 2019 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 17, 2019
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for Econometric Time Series 14.2C5Q004Jun 21, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Deployment Backup and Recovery Tool 9.43C7C004Jun 21, 2019 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Search Interface to SAS Content 3.1D3A001Jun 18, 2019 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel 9.4_M6E2G005Jun 18, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M4A3Z065Jun 17, 2019 z/OS
Base SAS 9.4_M6D9T031Jun 17, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Message Passing Interface 2.82E8Y002Jun 17, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M2R19078Jun 17, 2019 z/OS
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01107Jun 17, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Released Week of June 10, 2019
Base SAS 9.4_M5B6Q069Jun 11, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Integration Technologies 9.4_M5D9I002Jun 11, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 03, 2019
SAS Micro Analytic Service 2.5_M1E9C001Jun 06, 2019 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of May 27, 2019
DataDirect ODBC Driver for Amazon Redshift 9.41A6E003May 31, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
DataDirect ODBC Driver for Amazon Redshift 9.42E8B001May 31, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
DataDirect ODBC Driver for Greenplum 9.41E8H001May 31, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
DataDirect ODBC Driver for Greenplum 9.42E8I001May 31, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
DataDirect ODBC Driver for Microsoft SQL Server 9.41F1L001May 31, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
DataDirect ODBC Driver for Microsoft SQL Server 9.42F1M001May 31, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
DataDirect ODBC Driver for Greenplum 9.4Y41003May 31, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M4A3Z064May 30, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Forecast Server Procedures 14.2F2R001May 30, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS Statistical threaded kernel extensions 15.1F2T002May 30, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for High-Performance Statistics 15.1F3R001May 30, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Statistics Common Components 15.1D8G002 [ A ]May 29, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to PC Files 9.4_M3Y42007May 29, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel User Formats 9.4_M4C3D002May 28, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel User Formats 9.4_M5C5Y002May 28, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel User Formats 9.4F3M001May 28, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel User Formats 9.4_M1F3N001May 28, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel User Formats 9.4_M2F3P001May 28, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel User Formats 9.4_M6F3Q001May 28, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel User Formats 9.4_M3Y31004May 28, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of May 20, 2019
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Greenplum 9.4_M3Z10003May 24, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Greenplum 9.41D9M002May 23, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to PC Files 9.4_M4A7I007May 21, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M5B6Q065May 21, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for Econometric Time Series 14.2C5Q002 [ A ]May 20, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for Econometric Time Series 14.3C6F002 [ A ]May 20, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M6D9T024May 20, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M6E3Q006May 20, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for Econometric Time Series 15.1F1H001 [ A ]May 20, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for Econometric Time Series 14.1V29003 [ A ]May 20, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of May 13, 2019
Base SAS 9.4_M5B6Q067May 17, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to DB2 9.42B7W004May 17, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Base SAS 9.4_M5B6Q052May 16, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Credit Scoring 6.2C7P002May 16, 2019 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of May 06, 2019
SAS Cloud Analytic Services SAS Client V.03.04E9X001May 09, 2019 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M4C1Q004May 08, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Workflow Studio 1.3_M5F1C001May 08, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
Released Week of April 22, 2019
Base SAS 9.4E9D001Apr 24, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M1E9J001Apr 24, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M2E9L001Apr 24, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M3E9P001Apr 24, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M4E9T001Apr 24, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M5E9U001Apr 24, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M6E9V001Apr 24, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS In-Database for Hadoop on Linux 9.42B8T004Apr 22, 2019 Hadoop on Linux x64
Released Week of April 15, 2019
SAS Data Quality Server 9.42D2K002Apr 16, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Plug-ins for Hadoop 1.02D9U002 [ A ]Apr 16, 2019 Linux for x64
Released Week of April 08, 2019
SAS Forecast Analyst Workbench 5.3_M1B3L004Apr 12, 2019 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M5C9V002Apr 09, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for Statistics 15.1E8L001Apr 08, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of April 01, 2019
Base SAS 9.4_M4A3Z060Apr 05, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Deployment Backup and Recovery Tool 9.4_M2A2N004Apr 04, 2019 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for Statistics 14.3E8J001Apr 04, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of March 25, 2019
SAS Risk Dimensions Server Component 6.11D2A002Mar 29, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Grid 9.4_M6E8P001Mar 29, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office 8.0D5T002Mar 26, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Visual Analytics Add-In for Office 8.0D5U002Mar 26, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Contextual Analysis 15.1E7A001Mar 26, 2019 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M5B6Q060Mar 25, 2019 z/OS
Base SAS 9.4_M6D9T011Mar 25, 2019 z/OS
Released Week of March 18, 2019
SAS Scalable Performance Data Server 5.1N49013 [ A ]Mar 22, 2019 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M3V21026Mar 22, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Drivers for ODBC 9.46E5E001Mar 20, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for FedSQL and DS2 Standalone 9.4_M6E5Q001Mar 20, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M2R19076Mar 20, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
CGI Tools for the Web Server 9.45E3X001Mar 19, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of March 11, 2019
LASR Analytic Server 2.8A9G003Mar 12, 2019 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of March 04, 2019
SAS Factory Miner 15.1E4B001Mar 08, 2019 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M4A3Z061Mar 07, 2019 z/OS 64-bit
Base SAS 9.4_M5B6Q061Mar 07, 2019 z/OS 64-bit
JMP Genomics 9.0C9X004Mar 07, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M6D9T012Mar 07, 2019 z/OS 64-bit
SAS Infrastructure for Risk Management 3.4B5C009 [ A ]Mar 06, 2019 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Federation Server 4.2Y46016Mar 05, 2019 Linux for x64
Released Week of February 25, 2019
SAS/ACCESS Interface to DB2 9.41B5Z003Feb 26, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
SAS Credit Scoring for Banking 5.4V13004Feb 26, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M4A5F017Feb 25, 2019 z/OS
SAS Threaded Kernel 9.4_M5C1S006Feb 25, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for FedSQL and DS2 Standalone 9.4_M5C7Z002Feb 25, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of February 18, 2019
Search Interface to SAS Content 3.3D3C001Feb 22, 2019 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Base SAS JAR Files 9.4_M5E1X001Feb 21, 2019 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ETS 15.1E4E001Feb 21, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
JMP Clinical 7.0E4J001 [ A ]Feb 21, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Management Console 9.4L45008 [ A ]Feb 21, 2019 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Middle Tier 9.4L49008 [ A ]Feb 21, 2019 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ETS 14.3B6N004Feb 20, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ETS 14.2A5K005Feb 19, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/SECURE 9.41_M3D9J002Feb 18, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of February 11, 2019
ODS Templates 9.4_M5C5A002Feb 12, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ETS 14.1V25007Feb 12, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of February 04, 2019
Search Interface to SAS Content 3.2D3B001Feb 08, 2019 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Portal and Portlets 4.4_M2D8M001Feb 08, 2019 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Middle Tier 9.4_M1M92014 [ A ]Feb 08, 2019 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Management Console 9.4_M1M93013Feb 08, 2019 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Application Server 9.41R94007 [ A ]Feb 08, 2019 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Application Server 9.42W43008 [ A ]Feb 08, 2019 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of January 28, 2019
DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.7_M1B5T002Jan 31, 2019 Windows
DataFlux Data Management Server 2.7_M1B5U002Jan 31, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
DataFlux Data Management Server 2.6T28008Jan 31, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.6T29009Jan 31, 2019 Windows
DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.5_M1Z87003Jan 31, 2019 Windows
DataFlux Data Management Server 2.5_M1Z89003Jan 31, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for High-Performance Data Mining 14.32E3L001Jan 30, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of January 21, 2019
Base SAS 9.4_M5B6Q053Jan 24, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel 9.4_M5C1S005Jan 23, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel User Functions 9.4_M5E2E001Jan 23, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of January 14, 2019
Threaded Kernel IOM 9.4_M4A8B006 [ A ]Jan 16, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel 9.4_M5C1S004Jan 16, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel 9.4_M6E2G001Jan 16, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Model Risk Management 7.1Z95003Jan 15, 2019 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of January 07, 2019
SAS Business Data Network Mid-Tier 3.2B7K006Jan 10, 2019 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Secure 9.4_M2T27005Jan 10, 2019 64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Threaded Kernel Metadata Component 9.4_M4B4S004Jan 09, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of December 31, 2018
Base SAS 9.4_M4A3Z056Jan 02, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M4A3Z057Jan 02, 2019 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Netezza 9.41A7C004 [ A ]Jan 02, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Hadoop 9.44A7J005Jan 02, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M5B6Q048Jan 02, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to R/3 4.4_M4B6X002Jan 02, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to MySQL 9.4_M4B7B002Jan 02, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Impala 9.43B7D003Jan 02, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to MySQL 9.4_M5B7J002Jan 02, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to ODBC 9.4_M4B7S002Jan 02, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Microsoft SQL Server 9.42B7T001Jan 02, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to PC Files 9.4_M5B7U003Jan 02, 2019 z/OS
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Amazon Redshift 9.41C7J002Jan 02, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Amazon Redshift 9.42C7K003Jan 02, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to SAP HANA 9.43C9B002Jan 02, 2019 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to OLE DB 9.4_M4C9F002Jan 02, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to PostgreSQL 9.4_M4D6E001Jan 02, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Aster 9.42D8Z001Jan 02, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to HAWQ 9.4_M2D9A001Jan 02, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Informix 9.43D9B001Jan 02, 2019 64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to R/3 4.4_M5D9D001Jan 02, 2019 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to SAP HANA 9.44D9E001Jan 02, 2019 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to SAP IQ 9.4_M4D9F001Jan 02, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to SAP ASE 9.4_M4D9G001Jan 02, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Aster 9.41D9K001Jan 02, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to HAWQ 9.4_M1D9N001Jan 02, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Informix 9.42D9P001Jan 02, 2019 64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to SAP IQ 9.4_M3D9Q001Jan 02, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to SAP ASE 9.4_M3D9R001Jan 02, 2019 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Vertica 9.4_M4D9S001Jan 02, 2019 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of December 17, 2018
Episode Analytics 4.2C9Z001Dec 21, 2018 Linux for x64
SAS Deployment Backup and Recovery Tool 9.42C7B002Dec 20, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01102Dec 20, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Federation Server 4.2Y46013 [ A ]Dec 20, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of December 10, 2018
SAS Integration Technologies 9.4_M5D9I001Dec 14, 2018 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel DS2 and FedSQL Language Processors 9.41_M2A6S011Dec 12, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/SECURE 9.41_M2D7W001Dec 12, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
SAS/SECURE 9.41_M1D7X001Dec 12, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
SAS/SECURE 9.4_M2D7Y001Dec 12, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Released Week of December 03, 2018
SAS Web Report Studio 4.4_M4A5H011Dec 07, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Report Viewer 4.4_M4A5I011Dec 07, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Report Studio 4.4_M4A5J011Dec 07, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Report Studio 4.4_M3V64009Dec 07, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Report Viewer 4.4_M3V65009Dec 07, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Report Studio 4.4_M3V66009Dec 07, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Components for Scalable Performance Data 9.41_M5C7A003Dec 06, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of November 26, 2018
Threaded Kernel IOM 9.4_M5B6M005 [ A ]Dec 02, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of November 26, 2018
Base SAS 9.4_M3V21025Nov 30, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M4A5F014Nov 29, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M5B5M010Nov 29, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Visual Analytics Add-In for Office 7.15B6S007Nov 26, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
Released Week of November 19, 2018
SAS Web Server 9.4S46010 [ A ]Nov 24, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of November 12, 2018
SAS Flex Application Themes 4.6A3F004Nov 18, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M5B6Q036Nov 16, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Flex Application Themes 4.7.1A7Y011 [ A ]Nov 14, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of November 05, 2018
Base SAS 9.4_M5B6Q040Nov 05, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of October 29, 2018
SAS Environment Manager Midtier 2.5_M2D5S001Nov 01, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extension for Hadoop Hive 9.45D2Q001Oct 30, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of October 22, 2018
SAS Model Manager 14.1V85016 [ A ]Oct 26, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Fraud Management 4.2_M1Y11011Oct 25, 2018 Linux for x64
SAS Risk Dimensions Server Component 6.9C1B002Oct 22, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Risk Dimensions Server Component 6.8D4T001Oct 22, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of October 15, 2018
SAS Fraud Management 4.1P92014Oct 19, 2018 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
Threaded Kernel Log for SAS 9.4_M6B9S001Oct 16, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of October 08, 2018
SAS Web Server 9.4_M1S48012 [ A ]Oct 12, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS User Interface 9.4_M5D4S001Oct 11, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of October 01, 2018
SAS Model Risk Management 7.2A4V002Oct 05, 2018 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Data Quality Server 9.41W39005Oct 04, 2018 Linux for x64
SAS Infrastructure for Risk Management Server Configuration 3.5D3U001 [ A ]Oct 01, 2018 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of September 24, 2018
SAS Web Server 9.43A7F006 [ A ]Sep 28, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Compiler and Symbolic Differentiator 9.44B8D003 [ A ]Sep 28, 2018 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Thread-safe Compiler and Symbolic Differentiator 9.45B8E003 [ A ]Sep 28, 2018 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Compiler and Symbolic Differentiator 9.45D3I001Sep 28, 2018 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Thread-safe Compiler and Symbolic Differentiator 9.46D3J001Sep 28, 2018 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Server 9.4_M2P90009 [ A ]Sep 28, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Environment Manager 2.3S45014 [ A ]Sep 28, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Server 9.42V75010 [ A ]Sep 28, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Field Quality Analytics 6.2D4P001Sep 26, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of September 17, 2018
SAS BI Dashboard 4.4_M3A2A002Sep 21, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Environment Manager 2.5V76019 [ A ]Sep 21, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of September 10, 2018
SAS BI Dashboard 4.4_M2T07004Sep 14, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Flex Application Themes 4.3A2L005Sep 13, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Flex Application Themes 4.4A2R003Sep 13, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Flex Application Themes 4.2C5P002Sep 13, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS BI Dashboard 4.4_M1P06005Sep 13, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of August 27, 2018
SAS Accelerator Publishing Agent for SAP HANA 9.41D1C001Aug 29, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS BI Dashboard 4.4_M5D2Y001Aug 29, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for SAS Text Analytics 12.3_M1D2G001Aug 28, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for SAS Text Analytics 13.2_M1D2H001Aug 28, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of August 20, 2018
SAS Accelerator Publishing Agent for SAP HANA 9.42D1D001Aug 24, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01099 [ A ]Aug 23, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of August 13, 2018
Threaded Kernel IOM 9.4_M5B6M004Aug 16, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Simulation Studio 14.3D2W001Aug 16, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Time Series Studio 14.2B7L002Aug 15, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Time Series Studio 14.3C6B001Aug 15, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS ODS Graphics Designer 9.4_M4C7V001Aug 14, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Forecast Server 14.2B4D002Aug 13, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS BI Dashboard 4.4_M4B8N003Aug 13, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Data Remediation 2.3C4P002Aug 13, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of August 06, 2018
SAS Web Application Server 9.44B7P005Aug 10, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Compliance Solutions 6.3_M1A1I005 [ A ]Aug 09, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M4A3Z049Aug 09, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M5B6Q034Aug 09, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Server 9.44B7Q004Aug 09, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01101Aug 09, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extension for ODBC 9.4_M5C9J001Aug 08, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Flex Application Themes 4.5A2M003Aug 07, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
LASR Analytic Server 2.7W67007 [ A ]Aug 07, 2018 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Profitability Management 2.3A8H002Aug 06, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Web Application Server 9.43B1C005Aug 06, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Portal and Portlets 4.4_M4C5W001Aug 06, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Flex Application Themes 4.7W71012 [ A ]Aug 06, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of July 30, 2018
SAS Business Rules Manager 3.2A9Y006Aug 03, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Model Risk Management 6.1W72005Aug 03, 2018 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS High-Performance Risk 3.7A5W006 [ A ]Aug 02, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Secure 9.4_M4B5R002Aug 01, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Secure 9.4_M5B5S003Aug 01, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/STAT 14.3C9Y001 [ A ]Aug 01, 2018 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extension for Impala 9.4B7F001Jul 30, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extension for Impala 9.41B7G001Jul 30, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extension for Impala 9.42B7H001Jul 30, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
SAS/ACCESS to Hadoop JAR Files 9.44C8Q001Jul 30, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS to Hadoop JAR Files 9.45C8R001Jul 30, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to SAP HANA 9.42_M3Y33002Jul 30, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Oracle 9.4_M3Z38005Jul 30, 2018 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of July 23, 2018
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Oracle 9.4_M2Z37002Jul 26, 2018 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of July 16, 2018
Base SAS 9.4_M4A3Z048Jul 19, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M5B6Q029Jul 19, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M1M88069Jul 16, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Cost and Profitability Management 8.1_M2U31009Jul 16, 2018 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of July 09, 2018
SAS Accelerator Publishing Agent for Greenplum 9.4_M2C9K001Jul 11, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of July 02, 2018
SAS MDM 4.3B6C002Jul 06, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M5B6Q025Jul 05, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Field Quality Analytics 6.1Y98008 [ A ]Jul 05, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Deployment Backup and Recovery Tool 9.4_M1C8F001Jul 02, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M4C8I001Jul 02, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Deployment Backup and Recovery Tool 9.4L03002Jul 02, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 25, 2018
SAS Visual Scenario Designer 6.3_M1Z53005 [ A ]Jun 29, 2018 Linux for x64
SAS Environment Manager Agent 2.1Y47005 [ A ]Jun 27, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Studio 3.5Y75005Jun 25, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 18, 2018
SAS Studio 3.4W62006Jun 22, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 11, 2018
SAS Risk Management for Banking 3.3V02003Jun 15, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Environment Manager Agent 2.5W85006 [ A ]Jun 15, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Environment Manager Agent 2.3Y48005 [ A ]Jun 15, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Cost and Profitability Management 8.1A1X002Jun 14, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS/GRAPH ActiveX Control 9.45C6A002Jun 13, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Cost and Profitability Management 8.1_M1A1V002Jun 12, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01097Jun 12, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Hadoop 9.43W11011 [ A ]Jun 12, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Studio 3.6A4R004Jun 11, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 04, 2018
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Impala 9.42Z34003Jun 08, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Grid 9.4_M4A5G006Jun 07, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of May 28, 2018
SAS Model Implementation Platform Mid-Tier 2.4B4K003Jun 01, 2018 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Workflow Studio 1.3_M4C7L001May 30, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
Released Week of May 21, 2018
Base SAS 9.4_M5B6Q023May 24, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/CONNECT 9.4_M4C6Z001May 21, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of May 14, 2018
Base SAS 9.4_M5B6Q020May 16, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of May 07, 2018
Base SAS 9.4_M4A3Z042May 10, 2018 * z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
* indicates that the A3Z042 "Release Date" varies by operating system.
SAS Integration Technologies 9.4_M4B4I002May 10, 2018 * z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
* indicates that the B4I002 "Release Date" varies by operating system.
SAS Enterprise Miner 14.1W52009 [ A ]May 10, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Text Miner 14.1W69004May 10, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Business Rules Manager 3.1V98006 [ A ]May 08, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel User Formats 9.4_M4C3D001May 07, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel User Formats 9.4_M5C5Y001May 07, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of April 30, 2018
SAS Threaded Kernel 9.4_M4A5D004May 02, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of April 23, 2018
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M4A5F010Apr 26, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
JMP Clinical 6.1A6M004 [ A ]Apr 26, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M5B5M004Apr 26, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for Econometric Time Series 14.3C6F001Apr 26, 2018 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M3V63024Apr 26, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of April 16, 2018
SAS Web Application Server 9.4P38005 [ A ]Apr 19, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for Econometric Time Series 14.2C5Q001Apr 18, 2018 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Enterprise Case Management 6.3T72010 [ A ]Apr 18, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
SAS Customer Experience Targeting Server 6.4A3Y002Apr 16, 2018 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Energy Forecasting Server 4.1C5G001Apr 16, 2018 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Customer Experience Analytics Server 6.4Y66003Apr 16, 2018 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of April 09, 2018
SAS Contextual Analysis 14.3C4A001Apr 13, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Fraud Management 4.4A2W006Apr 12, 2018 z/OS 64-bit
Linux for x64
SAS High-Performance Econometrics Server Components 14.1V31002Apr 11, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Real World Evidence Mid-Tier 4.2B9X002 [ A ]Apr 10, 2018 Linux for x64
SAS Help Viewer for the Web 9.44C1J001Apr 10, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Help Viewer for the Web 9.45C1L001Apr 10, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Help Viewer for the Web 9.46C1M001Apr 10, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Episode Analytics 3.1Y93003 [ A ]Apr 10, 2018 Linux for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M5B6Q016Apr 09, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of April 02, 2018
SAS Contextual Analysis 14.2C3X001Apr 06, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Grid 9.4_M5B5L003Apr 03, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Environment Manager Enablement Kit Server 2.3C1P001 [ A ]Apr 02, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Digital Marketing 6.3R47014 [ A ]Apr 02, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Marketing Automation 6.3R60017 [ A ]Apr 02, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Marketing Optimization 6.3R88014 [ A ]Apr 02, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Environment Manager Enablement Kit Server 2.1U51002 [ A ]Apr 02, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Environment Manager Enablement Kit 2.2U95008 [ A ]Apr 02, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of March 26, 2018
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01093Mar 30, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Marketing Operations Management 6.5A3G002Mar 28, 2018 Windows for x64
SAS Enterprise Guide 7.13A3V008Mar 27, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
Released Week of March 19, 2018
SAS Infrastructure for Risk Management 3.3A6D005 [ A ]Mar 20, 2018 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of March 12, 2018
Base SAS Statistical Procedures 14.3C3H001Mar 13, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Cost and Profitability Management 8.1_M6A8N004Mar 12, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Cost and Profitability Management 8.1_M7C1C001Mar 12, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01092Mar 12, 2018 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of March 05, 2018
SAS Text Analytics for Greek 14.1Y38002Mar 09, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Platform Web Services for SAS 1.3Z05001Mar 08, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M1M88068Mar 07, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M2R19075Mar 07, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01095Mar 07, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
Released Week of February 26, 2018
SAS Enterprise Miner 14.2A9S003 [ A ]Mar 01, 2018 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Text Miner 14.2B1K003Mar 01, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Environment Manager Enablement Kit Server 2.4C1N001 [ A ]Feb 28, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of February 19, 2018
SAS Cloud Analytic Services SAS Client V.03.01B9Q001Feb 22, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Advanced Analytics Common Components 14.31B9V001Feb 20, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of February 12, 2018
Base SAS 9.4_M2S28008 [ A ]Feb 16, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M1S32007 [ A ]Feb 16, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4S33007 [ A ]Feb 16, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M5B6Q011Feb 14, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Integration Technologies Client 9.45B7Z003Feb 13, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
Released Week of February 05, 2018
Base SAS 9.4_M4A3Z037Feb 09, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M4A5F008Feb 09, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for SAS Text Analytics 14.2B9W001Feb 06, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of January 29, 2018
Base SAS 9.4_M3V21022 [ A ]Jan 29, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of January 22, 2018
Threaded Kernel Log for SAS 9.4_M5B5X002Jan 25, 2018 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Cost and Profitability Management 8.1_M5A2U004Jan 24, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Time Series Studio 14.1W75001Jan 24, 2018 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Cost and Profitability Management 8.1_M4Y64003Jan 24, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of January 15, 2018
Base SAS 9.4_M5B6Q003Jan 17, 2018 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS High-Performance Server 2.2_M6B8S001Jan 17, 2018 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of December 18, 2017
SAS Enterprise Guide OnDemand for Academics 7.15B6R002Dec 21, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01090Dec 21, 2017 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Clinical Standards Toolkit 1.7Z50002Dec 19, 2017 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Enhanced Editor 9.431A2V003Dec 18, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
Released Week of December 11, 2017
SAS In-Database for Hadoop on Linux 9.42A6S010Dec 15, 2017 Hadoop on Linux x64
SAS High-Performance Server 2.2_M5B8C001Dec 15, 2017 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.7_M1B5T001Dec 13, 2017 Windows
DataFlux Data Management Server 2.7_M1B5U001Dec 13, 2017 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of December 04, 2017
SAS Compiler and Symbolic Differentiator 9.43A7D003 [ A ]Dec 07, 2017 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Thread-safe Compiler and Symbolic Differentiator 9.44A7E003 [ A ]Dec 07, 2017 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel DS2 and FedSQL Language Processors 9.41_M1A1F004Dec 06, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel DS2 and FedSQL Language Processors 9.41_M2A6S009Dec 04, 2017 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS ODBC Drivers for the Web Infrastructure Platform Data Server 9.43B6B001Dec 04, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS ODBC Drivers for the Web Infrastructure Platform Data Server 9.44B7I001Dec 04, 2017 Windows
SAS Financial Crimes Monitor 6.2R38002Dec 04, 2017 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of November 20, 2017
SAS Threaded Kernel Extension for Teradata 9.44B7A001Nov 21, 2017 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of November 13, 2017
Base SAS 9.4_M5B6Q002Nov 17, 2017 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extension for Greenplum 9.41B3P001Nov 16, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extension for Greenplum 9.4_M3B3Q001Nov 16, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M4A3Z031Nov 15, 2017 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Energy Forecasting 3.2_M1B1P003Nov 14, 2017 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Data Profile Engine 3.1B5V001Nov 14, 2017 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Data Profile Engine 3.1_M1B5W001Nov 14, 2017 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
BASE Infrastructure to support Hadoop 9.44B6E001Nov 14, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ETS 14.2A5K002Nov 13, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS/ETS 14.3B6N001Nov 13, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
Released Week of October 30, 2017
SAS Enterprise Guide 7.12Y39009Oct 31, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS MDM 4.2T58003Oct 30, 2017 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of October 23, 2017
SAS/STAT 14.2B1N002 [ A ]Oct 27, 2017 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Threaded Kernel National Language Support 9.4_M5B5Y001Oct 26, 2017 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS High-Performance Risk Server Component 3.9B5E001 [ A ]Oct 24, 2017 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Secure 9.4_M4B5R001Oct 24, 2017 64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/STAT 14.1V34013 [ A ]Oct 24, 2017 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of October 16, 2017
SAS Enhanced Editor 9.43A2F002Oct 20, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Enhanced Editor 9.44B1W001Oct 20, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Web Report Studio 4.4_M2R67003Oct 20, 2017 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Report Viewer 4.4_M2R68003Oct 20, 2017 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Report Studio 4.4_M2R69003Oct 20, 2017 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Grid 9.4_M5B5L001Oct 16, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Grid 9.4_M3V72012Oct 16, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of October 09, 2017
SAS Workflow Administrator 1.4_M3B4E001Oct 13, 2017 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M2R19073Oct 13, 2017 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Workflow Administrator 1.4_M2Z84003Oct 13, 2017 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01086Oct 11, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M2R19074Oct 10, 2017 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of October 02, 2017
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01085Oct 06, 2017 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Infrastructure for Risk Management Mid-Tier 3.2Z15002Oct 02, 2017 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of September 25, 2017
SAS Inventory Optimization Workbench 5.3_M1B4G001Sep 26, 2017 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
Released Week of September 18, 2017
Base SAS 9.4_M4A3Z024Sep 22, 2017 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01082Sep 22, 2017 * z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
* indicates that the V01082 "Release Date" varies by operating system.
SAS In-Database for Teradata on Linux A6S004Sep 21, 2017 Teradata on Linux
Released Week of September 11, 2017
SAS Risk Management for Banking Server 3.4B4Q001 [ A ]Sep 14, 2017 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Metadata Bridges 4.1_M3A4A003Sep 11, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
Released Week of September 04, 2017
SAS Studio - Single User 3.6B4M001Sep 07, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Micro Analytic Service Threaded Kernel Extensions 2.2B4L001Sep 05, 2017 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of August 21, 2017
SAS Federation Server 4.1_M1W97004Aug 21, 2017 Linux for x64
Released Week of August 14, 2017
Base SAS Statistical Procedures 14.2A7Q003Aug 14, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of August 07, 2017
SAS Federation Server Manager Mid-Tier 4.2A1A004Aug 10, 2017 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Data Remediation Data Server 2.3B1V001Aug 08, 2017 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Federation Server Configuration 4.1_M1B2D001Aug 08, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Visual Process Orchestration Server Configuration 2.1B2F001Aug 08, 2017 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Data Remediation 2.2T57003Aug 08, 2017 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Job Monitor 2.2V39003Aug 08, 2017 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of July 31, 2017
SAS Threaded Kernel Drivers for Scalable Performance Data 5.3_M1A4U002Aug 03, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of July 17, 2017
SAS Visual Scenario Designer 6.3T54012Jul 18, 2017 Linux for x64
Released Week of July 10, 2017
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01084Jul 13, 2017 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for High-Performance Statistics 14.2B2N001 [ A ]Jul 12, 2017 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of July 03, 2017
SAS Federation Server 4.1_M1W97003Jul 07, 2017 Windows for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M4A3Z020Jul 06, 2017 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extension for Oracle 9.4_M3B1H001Jul 05, 2017 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01081Jul 05, 2017 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Oracle 9.4_M3Z38003Jul 05, 2017 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 26, 2017
SAS Environment Manager Mid-Tier 2.5_M1B2P001Jun 30, 2017 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Environment Manager Mid-Tier 2.5W34003Jun 30, 2017 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 19, 2017
SAS/GRAPH 9.4_M4A6Y002Jun 22, 2017 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 12, 2017
SAS Threaded Kernel Extension for PostgreSQL 9.4_M3B1G001Jun 16, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/STAT 13.2_M1S75005Jun 15, 2017 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Visual Analytics 7.2T94004 [ A ]Jun 15, 2017 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of May 29, 2017
Base SAS 9.4_M1M88066Jun 02, 2017 z/OS
SAS/STAT 14.2B1N001Jun 01, 2017 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/STAT 14.1V34012 [ A ]May 30, 2017 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of May 15, 2017
SAS Factory Miner 14.2A8T001May 19, 2017 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M4A5F002May 17, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
Released Week of May 08, 2017
SAS Decision Services 6.3T19005May 12, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M4A3Z019May 11, 2017 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Model Implementation Platform Mid-Tier 2.3A7X002 [ A ]May 10, 2017 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of May 01, 2017
SAS/GRAPH ActiveX Control 9.44A8C002May 01, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
Released Week of April 24, 2017
SAS Forecast Analyst Workbench 5.3A2D003Apr 28, 2017 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M4A3Z017Apr 28, 2017 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Providers for OLE DB 9.44A8P001Apr 27, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Inventory Optimization Workbench Server 5.3A8J001Apr 25, 2017 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
SAS Add-in for Microsoft Office 7.14A8W001Apr 24, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
Released Week of April 17, 2017
SAS Add-in for Microsoft Office 7.13A3W004Apr 19, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Netezza 9.4_M3Z29004Apr 19, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64
SAS Flex Application Themes 4.7.1A7Y001Apr 18, 2017 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/GRAPH ActiveX Control 9.44A8C001Apr 18, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
Released Week of April 10, 2017
LASR Analytic Server 2.5_M1W66004 [ A ]Apr 13, 2017 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of April 03, 2017
Base SAS 9.4_M4A3Z015Apr 07, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
DataFlux Data Management Server 2.6T28007Apr 06, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.6T29008Apr 06, 2017 Windows
SAS Threaded Kernel Secure 9.4_M3W38008Apr 06, 2017 64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.7Z88002Apr 06, 2017 Windows
DataFlux Data Management Server 2.7Z90002Apr 06, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of March 27, 2017
SAS Inventory Replenishment Planning 2.3_M1Z30003Mar 30, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of March 20, 2017
SAS Data Mining Scoring 9.4_M4A8D001Mar 24, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Data Mining Scoring 9.4_M3Z98003Mar 24, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M2R19071Mar 22, 2017 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS High-Performance Risk Server Component 3.4V47003Mar 21, 2017 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Risk Dimensions Server Component 6.4V67002Mar 21, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M4A3Z011Mar 20, 2017 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of March 13, 2017
SAS Social Network Analysis Mid-Tier 6.2_M3A7B001Mar 17, 2017 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01073Mar 15, 2017 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Threaded Kernel National Language Support 9.4_M3A6F002Mar 14, 2017 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Threaded Kernel National Language Support 9.4_M4A6G002Mar 14, 2017 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of March 06, 2017
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Microsoft SQL Server 9.41A6T001Mar 10, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to the PI System 9.41Z91002Mar 09, 2017 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel In-Database Supervisor 9.41_M2A6X001Mar 07, 2017 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/GRAPH 9.4_M4A6Y001Mar 07, 2017 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of February 27, 2017
SAS Visual Analytics 6.4_M1P51003Mar 03, 2017 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01072Mar 02, 2017 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Visual Analytics 6.4N67003Mar 01, 2017 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Personal Login Manager 9.4_M3A6Z001Feb 27, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Information Map Studio 4.4_M3A7A001Feb 27, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
Threaded Kernel Log for SAS 9.4_M3W30003Feb 27, 2017 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of February 20, 2017
Base SAS 9.4_M1N22016Feb 23, 2017 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M2R84017Feb 23, 2017 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M4A3Z010Feb 20, 2017 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
DataDirect ODBC Driver for Amazon Redshift 9.4A4T001Feb 20, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01071Feb 20, 2017 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of February 13, 2017
SAS Drivers for ODBC 9.44A5Y001Feb 17, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M2R87009Feb 16, 2017 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M4A3Z007Feb 15, 2017 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
JMP Genomics 8.2A6Q001 [ A ]Feb 13, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
Released Week of January 30, 2017
SAS Threaded Kernel 9.4_M3Y81004Jan 31, 2017 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Drivers for Federation Server 4.2Z51002Jan 31, 2017 64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Solaris for x64
Released Week of January 23, 2017
Base SAS 9.4_M1N22015Jan 27, 2017 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for Operations Research 14.2A5L001Jan 24, 2017 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for Graph Analytics 14.2A5M001Jan 24, 2017 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of January 09, 2017
SAS Model Manager 13.1S15006Jan 09, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of January 02, 2017
SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Data Server 9.4_M4A4C001Jan 06, 2017 64-bit Enabled AIX
SAS Hive SerDe for SPDE Data 9.4A1B001Jan 04, 2017 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for Statistics 14.2A5E001 [ A ]Jan 04, 2017 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of December 19, 2016
SAS Visual Analytics 7.1S19009 [ A ]Dec 23, 2016 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for Statistics 14.1Y61007 [ A ]Dec 21, 2016 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M4A3Z001Dec 20, 2016 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Components for Scalable Performance Data 9.41_M3V36003Dec 20, 2016 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/STAT 14.1Y94003 [ A ]Dec 20, 2016 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of December 12, 2016
Customer Link Analytics Server 5.6A3R001Dec 14, 2016 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Customer Link Analytics Server 6.5A3T001Dec 14, 2016 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS In-Database for Teradata on Linux V68006Dec 14, 2016 Teradata on Linux
SAS In-Database for Hadoop on Linux 9.42V68007 [ A ]Dec 14, 2016 Hadoop on Linux x64
SAS Data Quality Server 9.41W39002Dec 13, 2016 * Windows for x64
Linux for x64
* indicates that the W39002 "Release Date" varies by operating system.
SAS Data Quality Server 9.41W39003Dec 13, 2016 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of December 05, 2016
SAS/ACCESS Interface to DB2 9.4_M3A4D001 [ A ]Dec 09, 2016 z/OS
SAS/ACCESS Interface to OLE DB 9.4_M2Z26002Dec 09, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS/STAT 14.1V34010 [ A ]Dec 05, 2016 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of November 28, 2016
SAS Add-in for Microsoft Office 7.12Y40006Nov 30, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01063Nov 29, 2016 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of November 21, 2016
Credit Scoring 6.1A3N001Nov 22, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Secure 9.4_M3W38007Nov 22, 2016 64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Accelerator Publishing Agent for Netezza 9.4_M2A3P001Nov 21, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64
Released Week of November 14, 2016
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for Operations Research 13.2_M1U49003Nov 18, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Energy Forecasting Mid-Tier 3.2Z54002Nov 18, 2016 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS OpRisk VaR 6.1_M1U67002Nov 17, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01060Nov 17, 2016 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS OpRisk VaR 6.1_M2Z55002Nov 17, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Accelerator Publishing Agent for Netezza 9.4_M3A1E001Nov 14, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64
Released Week of November 07, 2016
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01059Nov 11, 2016 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Workflow Studio 1.3_M2T03004Nov 10, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
Released Week of October 31, 2016
SAS/GRAPH 9.4_M1M85005Nov 02, 2016 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel 9.4_M3Y81003Oct 31, 2016 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of October 17, 2016
Base SAS 9.4_M1N22013Oct 21, 2016 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M2R84016Oct 21, 2016 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Enhanced Editor 9.41A2G001Oct 20, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Enhanced Editor 9.4A2H001Oct 20, 2016 Windows for x64
Released Week of September 19, 2016
SAS Enterprise Case Management 6.2_M1U09004Sep 22, 2016 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of September 12, 2016
SAS Threaded Kernel 9.4_M3Y81002Sep 16, 2016 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Business Data Network Mid-Tier 3.1U73004Sep 14, 2016 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of September 05, 2016
SAS Compliance Solutions 6.3T69004Sep 08, 2016 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to R/3 4.4_M3Z27001Sep 07, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Regulatory Risk Management Server 5.2U19003Sep 06, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Data Mining Scoring 9.4_M3Z98001Sep 06, 2016 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of August 29, 2016
Base SAS 9.4L08016Aug 31, 2016 z/OS
Released Week of August 22, 2016
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01052Aug 25, 2016 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M2R19063Aug 23, 2016 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to PC Files 9.4_M2V70002Aug 23, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of August 15, 2016
Clinical Standards Toolkit 1.6Y86001Aug 18, 2016 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01050Aug 15, 2016 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of August 08, 2016
Base SAS 9.4_M1M88060Aug 11, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
DataFlux Data Management Server 2.6T28006Aug 11, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.6T29007Aug 11, 2016 Windows
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M3V63015Aug 11, 2016 z/OS
DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.7Z88001Aug 11, 2016 Windows
DataFlux Data Management Server 2.7Z90001Aug 11, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to DB2 9.4_M1S60003 [ A ]Aug 09, 2016 z/OS
Released Week of August 01, 2016
SAS Threaded Kernel Grid 9.4_M1N27007Aug 05, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M3V63014Aug 05, 2016 64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Threaded Kernel Log for SAS 9.4_M3W30002Aug 05, 2016 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Energy Forecasting Mid-Tier 3.2Z54001Aug 03, 2016 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of July 25, 2016
SAS Enterprise Guide 6.1_M1M54017Jul 29, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M2R19061 [ A ]Jul 26, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/STAT 14.1Y94002Jul 26, 2016 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Vertica 9.4_M2W81002Jul 25, 2016 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Vertica 9.4_M3W82002Jul 25, 2016 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to ODBC 9.4_M3Z28002Jul 25, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of July 18, 2016
SAS Threaded Kernel Secure 9.4_M3W38006Jul 21, 2016 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of July 11, 2016
SAS Compiler and Symbolic Differentiator 9.41_M2W01007 [ A ]Jul 15, 2016 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Thread-safe Compiler and Symbolic Differentiator 9.41_M2W02007 [ A ]Jul 15, 2016 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M3V21012Jul 12, 2016 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
DataDirect ODBC Driver for Microsoft SQL Server 9.4W91003Jul 12, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of July 04, 2016
ODS Templates 9.4_M3W09001Jul 06, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Secure 9.4_M2T27004Jul 05, 2016 64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Secure 9.4_M3W38004Jul 05, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 27, 2016
SAS High-Performance Statistics 14.1Z13001Jun 28, 2016 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 13, 2016
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for Statistics 14.1Y61004Jun 17, 2016 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Detail Data Store for Insurance 5.8Y45001Jun 15, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01045Jun 14, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 06, 2016
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01044Jun 07, 2016 z/OS
Released Week of May 30, 2016
SAS OLAP Cube Studio 4.4_M3Z25001Jun 03, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
Released Week of May 23, 2016
Base SAS User Interface 9.4_M3Y60003May 27, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Studio 3.3U22002May 24, 2016 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of May 16, 2016
SAS High-Performance Entity and Network Generation 6.3U99002May 18, 2016 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS High-Performance Entity and Network Generation 6.2V51001May 18, 2016 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M2R19059 [ A ]May 16, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of May 09, 2016
SAS Threaded Kernel 9.4_M2R31008May 11, 2016 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M3V63011May 09, 2016 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of May 02, 2016
Threaded Kernel OLAP Server Component 9.4_M3Y10001May 06, 2016 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of April 25, 2016
SAS Contextual Analysis 14.1_M1Y69001Apr 26, 2016 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Workflow Studio 1.3_M3Y96001Apr 26, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
Base SAS User Interface 9.4_M2R86003Apr 25, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
Released Week of April 18, 2016
Released Week of April 11, 2016
SAS/OR 14.1Y21002Apr 15, 2016 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M2R19058Apr 13, 2016 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M2R84014Apr 13, 2016 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01039Apr 13, 2016 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M3V21008Apr 11, 2016 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of April 04, 2016
Base SAS 9.4_M2R19056 [ A ]Apr 07, 2016 z/OS
SAS Stress Testing Workbench Mid-Tier 2.1W92001Apr 07, 2016 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Hadoop 9.41Y08001Apr 04, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Universal Viewer 1.41Y59001Apr 04, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
Released Week of March 28, 2016
SAS Threaded Kernel Grid 9.4_M2R33010Mar 31, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01040Mar 31, 2016 64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS User Interface 9.4_M3Y60002Mar 31, 2016 64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Simulation Studio 14.1U91002Mar 29, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
Released Week of March 21, 2016
SAS Workflow Administrator 1.4_M1U81002Mar 25, 2016 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Universal Viewer 1.4Y58001Mar 25, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Federation Server 4.1_M1W97002Mar 23, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of March 14, 2016
Base SAS 9.4_M1M88057Mar 18, 2016 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Enterprise Guide 7.11U23005Mar 17, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Add-in for Microsoft Office 7.11U24005Mar 17, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01029Mar 17, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel User Functions 9.4_M3Y65001Mar 17, 2016 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of March 07, 2016
SAS Fraud Management 4.2_M1Y14001Mar 10, 2016 z/OS 64-bit
SAS Federation Server 4.1T73005Mar 09, 2016 Linux for x64
Released Week of February 29, 2016
SAS/ACCESS Interface to SAP HANA 9.42Y32001Mar 01, 2016 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Federation Server 4.2Y46001Mar 01, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of February 22, 2016
Base SAS 9.4_M1M88058Feb 24, 2016 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
DataFlux Data Management Server 2.6T28005Feb 24, 2016 64-bit Enabled AIX
DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.6T29006Feb 24, 2016 Windows
Released Week of February 15, 2016
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01023Feb 19, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to OLE DB 9.4_M3W25002Feb 19, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Data Management Console Mid-Tier 2.2W77001Feb 19, 2016 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M1N96006Feb 18, 2016 z/OS
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M2R87004Feb 18, 2016 z/OS
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01031Feb 17, 2016 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Factory Miner 14.1W95001Feb 15, 2016 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of February 08, 2016
SAS Forecast Analyst Workbench 5.2S72005Feb 08, 2016 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
Released Week of February 01, 2016
SAS/ACCESS Interface to PostgreSQL 9.4_M2S51002Feb 05, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to PostgreSQL 9.4_M3Y35001Feb 05, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M1M88056Feb 04, 2016 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of January 25, 2016
SAS High-Performance Risk Server Component 3.5W63002Jan 29, 2016 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Risk Dimensions Server Component 6.5Y18001Jan 29, 2016 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Model Implementation Platform 2.1Y19001Jan 29, 2016 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for Operations Research 14.1Y22001Jan 28, 2016 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01030Jan 25, 2016 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Released Week of January 18, 2016
SAS/ETS 14.1V24002 [ A ]Jan 18, 2016 z/OS
Released Week of January 11, 2016
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M3V63008Jan 13, 2016 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of December 21, 2015
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Teradata 9.4_M2W07002Dec 24, 2015 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of December 14, 2015
DataFlux Data Management Server 2.6T28004 [ A ]Dec 18, 2015 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.6T29005 [ A ]Dec 18, 2015 Windows
SAS Federation Server 4.1T73004 [ A ]Dec 18, 2015 Linux for x64
SAS/GRAPH 9.4_M3V74002Dec 18, 2015 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Federation Server 4.1_M1W97001Dec 16, 2015 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS In-Database for SAP HANA on Linux x64 9.43W68001Dec 15, 2015 SAP HANA on Linux x64
SAS Inventory Optimization Workbench 5.2_M2U85002Dec 14, 2015 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01022Dec 14, 2015 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of December 07, 2015
Base SAS 9.4_M2R84010Dec 08, 2015 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of November 30, 2015
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01021Dec 04, 2015 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Management Console 9.4_M2R76008 [ A ]Dec 02, 2015 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of November 23, 2015
SAS Add-in for Microsoft Office 6.1_M1M55016Nov 25, 2015 Windows, Windows for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01019Nov 25, 2015 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M3V63005Nov 24, 2015 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of November 16, 2015
SAS Lineage Mid-Tier 3.1U72002Nov 18, 2015 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M2R19048Nov 16, 2015 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of November 09, 2015
JMP Clinical 5.1T32002Nov 12, 2015 Windows, Windows for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01015Nov 10, 2015 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Strategy Management 5.6_M1P83005Nov 09, 2015 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of November 02, 2015
SAS/GRAPH ActiveX Control 9.43W41001Nov 05, 2015 Windows, Windows for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M2R84009Nov 04, 2015 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of October 26, 2015
SAS Data Quality Server 9.41W39001 [ A ]Oct 29, 2015 64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M2R19047Oct 28, 2015 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of October 19, 2015
Base SAS 9.4_M2R19040Oct 23, 2015 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to DB2 9.4_M2S59002Oct 23, 2015 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to ODBC 9.4_M2V58001Oct 23, 2015 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Microsoft SQL Server 9.4_M2V62001Oct 23, 2015 64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS High-Performance Risk 3.4V20002Oct 22, 2015 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01013Oct 21, 2015 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of October 12, 2015
Base SAS 9.4_M2R19046Oct 16, 2015 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of October 05, 2015
Base SAS 9.4_M2R19044Oct 08, 2015 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01009Oct 08, 2015 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M1M88051Oct 05, 2015 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01010Oct 05, 2015 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of September 28, 2015
SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Data Server 9.4_M2V59001Oct 01, 2015 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS ODBC Drivers for the Web Infrastructure Platform Data Server 9.41V60001Oct 01, 2015 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Data Server 9.4_M3V79001Oct 01, 2015 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Data Server 9.4_M1V80001Oct 01, 2015 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS ODBC Drivers for the Web Infrastructure Platform Data Server 9.42V81001Oct 01, 2015 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS ODBC Drivers for the Web Infrastructure Platform Data Server 9.4V82001Oct 01, 2015 Windows for x64
SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Data Server 9.4V83001Oct 01, 2015 Windows for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M2R19041Sep 29, 2015 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Hadoop 9.4_M2S64002Sep 28, 2015 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of September 21, 2015
SAS/ACCESS Interface to DB2 9.4_M2S59003 [ A ]Sep 24, 2015 z/OS
SAS Detail Data Store for Banking 4.9U42001Sep 24, 2015 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Impala 9.41R80002Sep 23, 2015 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01004Sep 22, 2015 z/OS
Released Week of September 14, 2015
Base SAS 9.4_M2R19042Sep 18, 2015 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M3V01007Sep 18, 2015 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/CONNECT 9.4_M1V78001Sep 17, 2015 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/GRAPH 9.4_M2V73001Sep 15, 2015 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/GRAPH 9.4_M3V74001Sep 15, 2015 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of August 31, 2015
SAS Threaded Kernel Extension for Aster 9.4_M2U83001Sep 02, 2015 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
SAS Integration Technologies Client 9.42V69001Sep 02, 2015 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Aster 9.4_M2S20002Sep 01, 2015 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
Released Week of August 24, 2015
SAS Episode Analytics Server 2.2T80002Aug 28, 2015 Linux for x64
Asset Performance Analytics 6.1_M2U76001Aug 26, 2015 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Strategy Management 5.6_M1P83004Aug 25, 2015 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of August 17, 2015
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for Operations Research 13.2_M1U49002Aug 20, 2015 Windows, Windows for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M2R19039Aug 19, 2015 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of August 10, 2015
SAS Data Surveyor for SAP 5.2V55001 [ A ]Aug 14, 2015 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Information Map Studio 4.4_M2T41001Aug 10, 2015 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of August 03, 2015
SAS/STAT 13.2_M1S75004Aug 07, 2015 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M2R19037Aug 06, 2015 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of July 27, 2015
SAS Customer Experience Targeting Server 6.3P64002 [ A ]Jul 29, 2015 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M1M88050Jul 27, 2015 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of July 20, 2015
SAS Enterprise Case Management Server 6.2_M1U08001Jul 23, 2015 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M2R19033Jul 20, 2015 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Search Interface to SAS Content 3.5T87002 [ A ]Jul 20, 2015 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of July 13, 2015
SAS Enterprise Case Management 6.1_M1R66004 [ A ]Jul 14, 2015 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of July 06, 2015
SAS Social Network Analysis Mid-Tier 6.2_M1U64001Jul 09, 2015 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Parts for Microsoft SharePoint 6.13U38001Jul 08, 2015 Windows for x64
SAS Enterprise Miner 13.2R93002Jul 06, 2015 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Text Miner 13.2S25002Jul 06, 2015 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 29, 2015
SAS Inventory Replenishment Planning 2.3T64001Jul 01, 2015 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 22, 2015
SAS Threaded Kernel Components for Scalable Performance Data 9.41_M2U77001Jun 26, 2015 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel User Formats 9.41U45001Jun 25, 2015 Hadoop on Linux x64
SAS Workflow Administrator 1.3T60002Jun 24, 2015 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for LASR Analytic Server 2.3_M1R30002Jun 23, 2015 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of June 15, 2015
SAS Threaded Kernel Grid 9.4_M2R33006Jun 16, 2015 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 08, 2015
Base SAS 9.4_M2R19032Jun 10, 2015 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 01, 2015
SAS Threaded Kernel Interface to R 9.4_M2U39001Jun 05, 2015 Windows
Linux for x64
SAS Studio - Single User 3.3U27001Jun 04, 2015 Windows, Windows for x64
DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.6T29003Jun 01, 2015 Windows
Released Week of May 25, 2015
SAS Threaded Kernel Secure 9.4_M1U33001May 28, 2015 64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of May 18, 2015
SAS Enterprise Case Management Mid-Tier 6.1_M1M69011May 19, 2015 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Anti-Money Laundering 6.1_M1P31003May 19, 2015 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/STAT 13.2_M1S75003 [ A ]May 19, 2015 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Federation Server 4.1T73002May 19, 2015 Linux for x64
SAS Customer Intelligence Configuration Updates 6.4T86001 [ A ]May 19, 2015 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of May 11, 2015
Search Interface to SAS Content 3.4U28001 [ A ]May 13, 2015 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of May 04, 2015
Base SAS 9.4_M1M88049May 08, 2015 Linux for x64
Released Week of April 27, 2015
Statistics Common Components 12.3_M1T77001Apr 30, 2015 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Statistics Common Components 12.3T78001Apr 28, 2015 z/OS
Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of April 20, 2015
SAS MDM 4.1_M1P97003Apr 24, 2015 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of April 13, 2015
Statistics Common Components 13.2_M1S93002Apr 17, 2015 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of March 30, 2015
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for Econometric Time Series 13.2_M1T56001Apr 01, 2015 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of March 30, 2015
SAS Workflow Administrator 1.4T61001Mar 31, 2015 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of March 16, 2015
SAS Enterprise Guide 6.1_M1M54011Mar 20, 2015 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Add-in for Microsoft Office 6.1_M1M55011Mar 20, 2015 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Information Map Studio 4.4_M1P39002Mar 20, 2015 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS/CONNECT 9.4_M2T08002Mar 17, 2015 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Environment Manager Plug-ins for Foundation Servers 9.4_M2T42001Mar 17, 2015 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of March 09, 2015
SAS Visual Analytics 6.3N11005Mar 12, 2015 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel 9.4_M2R31004Mar 12, 2015 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for Graph Analytics 13.2_M1R63002Mar 12, 2015 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Report Studio 4.4_M1N05003Mar 09, 2015 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Report Viewer 4.4_M1N06003Mar 09, 2015 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Report Studio 4.4_M1N07003Mar 09, 2015 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of March 02, 2015
SAS/STAT 13.1_M1M72006 [ A ]Mar 06, 2015 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M1M88047Mar 06, 2015 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/STAT 13.2_M1S75001 [ A ]Mar 06, 2015 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M1N96005Mar 03, 2015 z/OS
SAS Customer Intelligence Configuration Updates 6.3R07002 [ A ]Mar 03, 2015 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of February 16, 2015
DataFlux Data Management Server 2.6T28002Feb 20, 2015 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.6T29002Feb 20, 2015 Windows
DataFlux Data Management Server 2.6T28001Feb 19, 2015 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Grid 9.4_M1N27005Feb 18, 2015 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Parts for Microsoft SharePoint 6.12S27001Feb 16, 2015 Windows for x64
Released Week of February 09, 2015
SAS/ETS 13.2_M1T26001Feb 12, 2015 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Business Rules Manager 2.2S09002Feb 09, 2015 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Predictive Asset Maintenance 6.1S81001Feb 09, 2015 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of February 02, 2015
SAS Financial Management 5.4_M1N81007Feb 06, 2015 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Enterprise Case Management Mid-Tier 6.2_M1S61002Feb 06, 2015 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Compliance Solutions 6.2_M1S63001 [ A ]Feb 06, 2015 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS High-Performance Risk 3.3S96001Feb 03, 2015 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of January 26, 2015
SAS Threaded Kernel Grid 9.4_M1N27004 [ A ]Jan 27, 2015 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Studio 3.2R72003Jan 26, 2015 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of January 05, 2015
SAS Integration Technologies 9.4_M2S77001Jan 09, 2015 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.6T29001Jan 07, 2015 Windows
Released Week of December 22, 2014
SAS Strategy Management 5.5_M1S37001Dec 24, 2014 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M2R19024Dec 23, 2014 z/OS
SAS Anti-Money Laundering 6.1_M1P31002 [ A ]Dec 22, 2014 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of December 15, 2014
SAS Credit Scoring for Banking 5.3_M1S01001Dec 18, 2014 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel 9.4_M1N76004Dec 17, 2014 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Enterprise Miner 13.2_M1S40002Dec 17, 2014 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Threaded Kernel OLAP Server Component 9.4_M1S70001Dec 16, 2014 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Model Manager 12.3_M1M62003Dec 15, 2014 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Visual Analytics 6.2_M1R11003Dec 15, 2014 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
Released Week of December 08, 2014
Clinical Data Integration 2.5N93002Dec 11, 2014 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Data Remediation Mid-Tier 2.1_M1S10001Dec 09, 2014 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Task Manager Mid-Tier 2.1_M1S11001Dec 09, 2014 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of December 01, 2014
SAS Enterprise Guide 7.1S21002Dec 01, 2014 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Add-in for Microsoft Office 7.1S22002Dec 01, 2014 Windows, Windows for x64
Released Week of November 24, 2014
Threaded Kernel National Language Support 9.4_M2S42001Nov 25, 2014 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of November 17, 2014
SAS Enterprise Guide 7.1S21001Nov 21, 2014 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Add-in for Microsoft Office 7.1S22001Nov 21, 2014 Windows, Windows for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M2R19011Nov 17, 2014 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of November 10, 2014
Base SAS 9.4_M1M88035Nov 14, 2014 64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M2R19019Nov 14, 2014 64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of November 03, 2014
SAS Threaded Kernel 9.4_M2R31003 [ A ]Nov 07, 2014 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Risk Management for Banking Server 3.2_M2S23001 [ A ]Nov 04, 2014 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Social Network Analysis Mid-Tier 6.2P77002Nov 03, 2014 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of October 27, 2014
Base SAS 9.4_M1M88034Oct 30, 2014 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M1M88037Oct 29, 2014 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M1M88036Oct 28, 2014 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS User Interface 9.4_M1N21003Oct 28, 2014 Windows, Windows for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M2R19013Oct 28, 2014 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M2R87001Oct 27, 2014 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of October 20, 2014
Base SAS 9.4_M2R19012Oct 20, 2014 Windows
SAS/GRAPH ActiveX Control 9.42R78002Oct 20, 2014 Windows
SAS Enhanced Editor 9.42R95001Oct 20, 2014 Windows
Released Week of October 13, 2014
SAS Web Report Studio 4.4M16003Oct 16, 2014 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Report Viewer 4.4M17003Oct 16, 2014 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Report Studio 4.4M18003Oct 16, 2014 z/OS
Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M2R19010Oct 15, 2014 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M1M88033Oct 13, 2014 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of September 29, 2014
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for High-Performance Analytics 2.2_M1R85001Oct 03, 2014 Linux for x64
Released Week of September 22, 2014
SAS Foundation Services 9.4_M1R64001Sep 23, 2014 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/GRAPH ActiveX Control 9.42R78001Sep 23, 2014 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS/GRAPH ActiveX Control 9.4M10003Sep 22, 2014 Windows, Windows for x64
Released Week of September 15, 2014
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Hadoop 9.4_M1R21001Sep 19, 2014 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Teradata 9.4_M1R32001Sep 19, 2014 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to ODBC 9.4_M1N80002Sep 18, 2014 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Episode Analytics Server 2.1R61001Sep 18, 2014 Linux for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extension for Netezza 9.4_M1R23001Sep 17, 2014 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Netezza 9.4_M1R24001Sep 15, 2014 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64
Released Week of September 08, 2014
SAS/ACCESS Interface to PC Files 9.4_M1R22001 [ A ]Sep 11, 2014 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for LASR Analytic Server 2.3_M1R30001Sep 11, 2014 64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Solaris for x64
SAS Studio 3.1_M1R37001Sep 10, 2014 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of August 25, 2014
Base SAS 9.4_M1M88031Aug 29, 2014 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of August 18, 2014
Threaded Kernel National Language Support 9.4_M1N54002Aug 21, 2014 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Risk Dimensions Java Client 6.2_M1P89001Aug 21, 2014 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Risk Management for Banking 3.2_M1R06001Aug 21, 2014 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M1N96002Aug 20, 2014 64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of August 11, 2014
Base SAS 9.4_M1M88020Aug 12, 2014 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of August 04, 2014
Base SAS 9.4L08014Aug 08, 2014 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Visual Analytics 6.2L39003 [ A ]Aug 07, 2014 Windows for x64
Linux for x64
SAS Credit Scoring for Banking Server 5.3_M1P91001Aug 04, 2014 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of July 28, 2014
SAS Web Infrastructure Platform 9.4L46003Jul 29, 2014 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Infrastructure Platform 9.4_M1M90003Jul 29, 2014 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of July 21, 2014
SAS Intelligence Platform Object Framework 9.4L48003 [ A ]Jul 25, 2014 Windows for x64
SAS Intelligence Platform Object Framework 9.4_M1P11002 [ A ]Jul 25, 2014 Windows, Windows for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M1M88025Jul 22, 2014 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/STAT 13.1_M1M72005 [ A ]Jul 21, 2014 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of July 07, 2014
SAS LASR Analytic Server 2.1P79001Jul 13, 2014 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 30, 2014
SAS/GRAPH 9.4_M1M85004Jul 03, 2014 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/GRAPH 9.4L34003Jul 02, 2014 z/OS
Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 23, 2014
SAS Enterprise Miner 13.1N42002 [ A ]Jun 27, 2014 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Text Miner 13.1P59001Jun 27, 2014 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for LASR Analytic Server 2.1M84002Jun 25, 2014 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 16, 2014
SAS/STAT 12.3L13005 [ A ]Jun 19, 2014 z/OS
Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/STAT 13.1_M1M72004 [ A ]Jun 19, 2014 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for LASR Analytic Server 2.3N79002Jun 19, 2014 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 09, 2014
SAS/STAT 13.1_M1M72003 [ A ]Jun 12, 2014 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Enterprise Miner 13.1N51002 [ A ]Jun 10, 2014 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS Enterprise Miner 13.1N53002 [ A ]Jun 10, 2014 Windows, Windows for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M1M88021Jun 09, 2014 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of June 02, 2014
SAS Time Series Studio 13.1N03002Jun 06, 2014 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS User Interface 9.4P29001Jun 05, 2014 Windows for x64
Released Week of May 26, 2014
SAS Information Map Studio 4.4_M1P39001 [ A ]May 29, 2014 Windows, Windows for x64
SAS OLAP Cube Studio 4.4_M1P41001 [ A ]May 29, 2014 Windows, Windows for x64
Released Week of May 19, 2014
SAS Threaded Kernel Extension for SSH Remote Process Launching 2.2N77001May 23, 2014 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Management Console 9.4_M1M93002 [ A ]May 22, 2014 Windows, Windows for x64
Released Week of May 12, 2014
JMP Clinical 5.0N95001May 14, 2014 Windows, Windows for x64
Released Week of May 05, 2014
Base SAS Statistical Procedures 12.3L84002May 07, 2014 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ETS 12.3M65002May 07, 2014 z/OS
Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to PostgreSQL 9.4_M1N43001May 07, 2014 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ETS 13.1_M1N99001May 07, 2014 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS Statistical Procedures 12.3_M1P01001May 07, 2014 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4L08013May 06, 2014 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M1M88016May 06, 2014 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Core Routines 9.4_M1N96001May 05, 2014 z/OS
Threaded Kernel IOM 9.4N98001May 05, 2014 z/OS
Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of April 28, 2014
Base SAS 9.4L08009Apr 29, 2014 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of April 21, 2014
SAS Web Report Studio 4.4_M1N58001Apr 21, 2014 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of April 14, 2014
SAS LASR Analytic Server 2.3N55001Apr 16, 2014 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Components for Scalable Performance Data 9.41_M1N50001Apr 15, 2014 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for LASR Analytic Server 2.1_M1N78001Apr 15, 2014 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel 9.4L05003Apr 14, 2014 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
SAS Threaded Kernel 9.4_M1N76001Apr 14, 2014 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Released Week of April 07, 2014
Base SAS 9.4L08011Apr 10, 2014 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/GRAPH 9.4_M1M85003 [ A ]Apr 08, 2014 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of March 31, 2014
Base SAS 9.4_M1M88014Apr 02, 2014 Windows
SAS Job Monitor 2.1N19001Apr 02, 2014 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS Statistical threaded kernel extensions 12.3_M1N39001Apr 02, 2014 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of March 24, 2014
Threaded Kernel National Language Support 9.4_M1N54001Mar 27, 2014 64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M1M88010Mar 26, 2014 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of March 17, 2014
Base SAS 9.4L08010Mar 20, 2014 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of March 10, 2014
Base SAS 9.4L08008Mar 14, 2014 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M1M88006Mar 14, 2014 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Data Management 4.1M80001Mar 12, 2014 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Web Parts for Microsoft SharePoint 6.11M58001Mar 11, 2014 Windows for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Extensions for Operations Research 12.3N35001Mar 11, 2014 z/OS
Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of March 03, 2014
Base SAS 9.4_M1M88008Mar 06, 2014 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel Grid 9.4N26001 [ A ]Mar 06, 2014 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M1M88005Mar 04, 2014 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Threaded Kernel IOM 9.4_M1N32001Mar 04, 2014 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Threaded Kernel 9.4L05002Mar 03, 2014 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Forecast Server 13.1N01001Mar 03, 2014 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of February 24, 2014
Base SAS 9.4L08006Feb 24, 2014 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M1M88002Feb 24, 2014 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of February 17, 2014
SAS/GRAPH 9.4_M1M85001Feb 20, 2014 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of February 03, 2014
SAS BI Dashboard 4.4N08001Feb 07, 2014 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4_M1M88003Feb 05, 2014 z/OS
Base SAS Statistical threaded kernel extensions 12.3M98001Feb 05, 2014 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS High-Performance Risk 3.2M96001Feb 03, 2014 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Risk Dimensions 6.2M97001Feb 03, 2014 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of January 27, 2014
SAS/STAT 12.3L13004Jan 27, 2014 z/OS
Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/STAT 13.1_M1M72001Jan 27, 2014 z/OS
Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of January 20, 2014
SAS Enterprise Miner 12.3L76002 [ A ]Jan 20, 2014 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of January 13, 2014
Base SAS 9.4L08005Jan 16, 2014 64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4L08004 [ A ]Jan 15, 2014 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/GRAPH 9.4L34002Jan 13, 2014 z/OS
Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of December 23, 2013
SAS/STAT 12.3L13002Dec 24, 2013 z/OS
Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of December 16, 2013
SAS Business Rules Manager 2.1L91001Dec 16, 2013 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Decision Manager 2.1L92001Dec 16, 2013 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of December 09, 2013
SAS/STAT 12.3L13003Dec 12, 2013 z/OS
Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of December 02, 2013
Base SAS 9.4L73002Dec 03, 2013 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of November 25, 2013
SAS/GRAPH ActiveX Control 9.4M10001Nov 26, 2013 Windows for x64
Released Week of November 18, 2013
Base SAS 9.4L73003Nov 18, 2013 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Simulation Studio 12.3M11001Nov 18, 2013 Windows for x64
Released Week of November 04, 2013
SAS Information Delivery Portal 4.4L65001Nov 04, 2013 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of October 07, 2013
SAS High-Performance Risk Server Component 3.1L81001 [ A ]Oct 10, 2013 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS Statistical Procedures 12.3L84001Oct 10, 2013 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Base SAS 9.4L08002Oct 09, 2013 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS/ACCESS Interface to DB2 9.4L78001Oct 09, 2013 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of September 30, 2013
Base SAS 9.4L73001Oct 02, 2013 z/OS, z/OS 64-bit
Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
SAS Enterprise Guide 6.1L40001Oct 01, 2013 Windows for x64
SAS Add-in for Microsoft Office 6.1L41001Oct 01, 2013 Windows, Windows for x64
Released Week of September 16, 2013
SAS/STAT 12.3L13001 [ A ]Sep 19, 2013 z/OS
Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of September 09, 2013
SAS In-Database for Teradata on Linux L05001Sep 10, 2013 Teradata on Linux
SAS Decision Services 6.2L28001 [ A ]Sep 10, 2013 Windows, Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of September 02, 2013
SAS/GRAPH 9.4L34001Sep 04, 2013 z/OS
Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of August 26, 2013
Base SAS JAR Files 9.4L21001Aug 27, 2013 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of August 19, 2013
Threaded Kernel OLAP Server Component 9.4L29001Aug 21, 2013 z/OS
Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64
Released Week of July 22, 2013
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Oracle 9.4L06001 [ A ]Jul 23, 2013 Windows for x64
64-bit Enabled Solaris, 64-bit Enabled AIX, HP-UX IPF, Linux for x64, Solaris for x64

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