C9A007 |
SAS Scalable Performance Data Server 5.4 |
Issue(s) Addressed: | Introduced: |
61228 | SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server data partition files are written to the primary metadata path |
C9A001 |
61231 | SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server cluster modification causes out-of-memory error |
C9A001 |
62713 | A WHERE clause with a user-defined format causes a ". . . Libname path info not found . . ." error for SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server |
C9A001 |
62828 | ALERT - The Parallel Group-By facility produces an incorrect count for a composite index when the COUNT(distinct value) function is used |
C9A001 |
63140 | SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server DICTIONARY tables incorrectly return access control list (ACL) values for all users |
C9A001 |
63769 | Access Violation errors appear in the SAS® log after creating a wide SAS® Scalable Performance Data (SPD) Server table with the MINMAXVARLIST= option |
C9A001 |
63771 | You are unable to execute the SPD Server password database manager on a FIPS-enabled Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) operating system |
C9A001 |
68664 | The NMISS() function returns incorrect results for nonmissing character values in SAS® Scalable Performance Data (SPD) Server 5.4 |
C9A001 |
60092 | An unexpected warning about the ClusterList template is generated when you run SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server 5.3 |
C9A001 |
62589 | Lowercase values for macro variables in SAS® Scalable Performance Data (SPD) Server 5.4 and earlier cause the macro variable not to be implemented |
C9A001 |
63141 | Port vulnerability scanning software causes SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server to fail with a segmentation violation |
C9A001 |
62607 | The SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server Password Manager Utility crashes on RHEL 7.x systems when the user name contains underscores |
C9A002 |
63768 | The SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server DACCTAB function returns incorrect results using the SQL pass-through facility |
C9A002 |
63770 | A SAS® Scalable Performance Data (SPD) Server table name is truncated in a log to a maximum of eight characters |
C9A002 |
64510 | Sporadic "Server has disconnected" errors might occur while reading a SAS® Scalable Performance Data (SPD) Server table |
C9A002 |
68502 | Modifying multiple ACLs with PROC SPDO can cause a Segmentation Violation error |
C9A002 |
64842 | SAS® 9.4 software references Apache Struts libraries that contain known vulnerabilities |
C9A002 |
65217 | Performance degradation might occur when you use a COPY TABLE pass-through statement for a table with two indexes |
C9A003 |
68520 | SQL implicit pass-through queries to SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server 5.4 can experience "TKM: Memory Error" messages |
C9A003 |
66294 | The SAS® Federation Server SPD driver fails to create a table that has a column name in UTF-8 encoding that also contains Latin5 characters |
C9A004 |
67579 | You cannot apply Hot Fix C9A004 for SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server 5.4 because your site has import restrictions for SAS/SECURE™ software |
C9A005 |
69198 | A SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server might hold TCP ports in a CLOSE_WAIT state in AIX environments |
C9A006 |
65678 | A "Parse Failure" error message occurs in the SAS® log when you use a concatenated library with the SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server |
C9A007 |
70552 | The sum() function might return incorrect results when a constant is present in the SELECT clause |
C9A007 |
D indicates that the Documentation has special pre-installation, post-installation or other unique instructions not commonly used for hot fix deployment. |