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SAS Business Data Network Mid-Tier 3.3

Hot Fix Downloads for Linux for x64

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F9W016 was replaced by F9W017

F9W017 for Linux for x64
SAS Business Data Network Mid-Tier 3.3
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
64713 Required attributes for collaborative terms are not enforced in SAS® Business Data Network F9W001
65064 Formatting problems occur in a PDF report that you export from SAS® Business Data Network 3.3 F9W002
65147 SAS® Business Data Network 3.3 lists a maximum of 100 attribute values for selection, even when more than 100 values exist for the attribute F9W002
65218 A CSV file that contains multi-line or single-line text separated by commas is not imported properly in SAS® Business Data Network 3.3 F9W002
65219 You query a term in the SAS® Business Data Network 3.3 API, and the result returns ". . .error errorCode= '0' httpStatusCode= '500'. . ." F9W002
65667 The message "multi value not found for value 2." appears in SAS® Business Data Network 3.3 F9W004
66158 Hungarian localization updates are available for SAS® Business Data Network 3.3 F9W005
66383 The error "org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException" occurs when you use the snapshot functionality in SAS® Business Data Network (SAS® 9.4M7) F9W006
67000 The HTML Commons component in SAS® 9.4 Web Infrastructure Platform is affected by the JQuery vulnerability that is described in CVE-2020-11022 F9W007
67019 The search function takes longer than expected in SAS® Business Data Network when you try to locate terms via the Associated Items tab F9W007
67152 A web page becomes unusable when you try to apply a custom theme from SAS® Theme Designer F9W007
67191 The URL link in the "BDN Term URL" field opens a blank page in the browser F9W007
67223 SAS® Business Data Network 3.3 reports the error "Could not open JDBC Connection for transaction…" after a Postgres 12.x update F9W007
67242 SAS® Business Data Network does not show a complete list of all related terms F9W007
67474 SAS® Business Data Network might return the error message "Term type does not match existing term" after you import a term successfully F9W008
67920 You can create a root-level term in SAS® Business Data Network even though you do not have Write permissions F9W009
68579 Deleting multiple terms with assigned workflows in SAS® Business Data Network 3.3 might result in "getCurrentTask failed" or "InternalError" messages F9W010
69136 The HTML Commons component in SAS® 9.4 Web Infrastructure Platform contains a cross-site scripting vulnerability F9W011
69301 If you enter a value for a Date attribute that does not require values in SAS® Business Data Network 3.3, you are unable to clear the value F9W012
69323 SAS® Business Data Network 3.3 does not validate the CreatedByUser and ModifiedByUser fields in the imported term XML file F9W012
69365 SAS® Business Data Network 3.3 allows users to bypass input validation F9W012
69366 Broken access control vulnerability in SAS® Business Data Network 3.3 F9W012
69386 SAS® Business Data Network 3.3 contains a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability F9W013
69487 "Claim" activity is still available for a term after a user ID is excluded by workflow permissions for that term in SAS® Business Data Network 3.3 F9W014
69507 Content is not updated when importing a CSV file if the Description or Requirements attributes have an empty cell in SAS® Business Data Network 3.3 F9W015
70461 Various SAS® Data Management web applications report an error after applying the 2023 third quarter SAS security update for SAS® 9.4M7 (TS1M7) F9W016
70594 The values of an attribute of the "Single Select" type are not saved in the proper order when the order is changed after adding a new value F9W017
Released: December 20, 2023     Documentation: F9W017la.html D       Download:  
D indicates that the Documentation has special pre-installation, post-installation or other unique instructions not commonly used for hot fix deployment.
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