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SAS/ACCESS Interface to Google BigQuery 9.42

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SAS/ACCESS Interface to Google BigQuery 9.42
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
67025 Variables defined as a NUMERIC data type in Google BigQuery might be read into SAS® as a different value K3N001
66712 A generated list of BigQuery tables might be empty when the BigQuery dataset (schema) contains an underscore in its name K3N001
66871 Dates read in from a Google BigQuery database might show a difference from what is stored in the database K3N001
66996 The ability to use BigQuery Storage API has been added to SAS/ACCESS® Interface to Google BigQuery K3N001
66997 Improvements on the length of the STRING data type determination have been added to SAS/ACCESS® Interface to Google BigQuery K3N001
67015 An incorrect format might be added to a column that is defined as a BOOLEAN or a NUMERIC data type in the Google BigQuery database K3N001
67127 Materialized views are not included in the list of tables for Google BigQuery K3N001
67420 SAS/ACCESS® Interface to Google BigQuery changes the default data type used from TIMESTAMP to DATETIME while creating Google BigQuery tables K3N001
67421 A query against Google BigQuery tables might result in the message "...Error: googleapi: Error 403: Response too large to return..." K3N001
67539 SAS® might display an error when you attempt to delete a Google BigQuery view K3N001
67566 The TRIM function might be included in a query that is passed to the BigQuery database K3N001
67567 A query that includes the UNION of two queries that reference a Google BigQuery table might result in a performance issue and error K3N001
67638 Querying a Google BigQuery database might result in the message "Error: During read: googleapi: Error 403: Response too large to return error..." K3N001
67689 An error might occur when you create a new BigQuery table using a PROC SORT of a BigQuery table with a date equal to 31DEC9999 K3N001
67707 Unexpected characters might be appended to the end of a value on a string variable in a Google BigQuery table when it is read into SAS® software K3N001
67750 Inserting data into a Google BigQuery table using the FEDSQL procedure might result in errors K3N001
67754 ALERT - The option setting for the options used to connect to Google BigQuery with OAuth authentication might be displayed in clear text in logs K3N001
67758 Trying to access a Google BigQuery external table might result in an error K3N001
67974 Poor performance occurs when data is read from Google BigQuery views with the OBS= data set option K3N001
67908 ALERT - The setting for the CRED_PATH= LIBNAME and CREDFILE= CASLIB options might be displayed in cleartext in logs K3N002
68200 ALERT - A value that is stored as a NUMERIC data type might be read into SAS® with a different value than how it is stored in a Google BigQuery table K3N003
67725 An SQL procedure query that includes both inner and outer joins of Google BigQuery tables might result in a performance issue K3N004
68937 Accessing a Google BigQuery database might result in "Error: googleapi: Error 429: per-user search quota temporarily exhausted..." K3N004
68939 Explicit pass-through might fail to complete when you use the BULKUNLOAD=yes option to read in large BigQuery tables K3N004
69503 A query that includes the INTERSECT of two queries that reference a Google BigQuery table might result in a performance issue and error K3N005
70583 Reading a Google BigQuery table might take longer than normal and result in a crash or an “ERROR: During read: processStream retries exhausted” K3N007
70880 SAS/ACCESS® Interface to Google BigQuery now supports threaded reads with READ_MODE=STORAGE K3N008
68312 "CLI prepare error....unknown data type" occurs when you read a Google BigQuery table that contains a variable with the BIGNUMERIC data type K3N011
70899 The joining of two or more BigQuery tables might result in either a performance issue or incorrect results K3N012
71033 Reading a Google BigQuery view based on an extremely large table might fail with "Error 403: Response too large to return error..." K3N013
71034 Slow performance or errors might occur when gathering metadata about a BigQuery table K3N013
70667 The ability to turn on logging for the Go Layer was added to SAS/ACCESS® Interface to Google BigQuery K3N014
71122 The Google BigQuery NUMERIC data type is read as a value of zero K3N014
71031 Performance improvements to SAS/ACCESS® Interface to Google BigQuery K3N014
NOTE: If you install this hot fix, refer to KB0037934 for more information about the required GOMEMLIMIT environment variable.
Linux for x64 Released: February 18, 2025     Documentation: K3N014la.html       Download:  
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