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SAS Enterprise Case Management 6.3_M1

Hot Fix Downloads for Linux for x64

* General Information about Hot Fixes

B1Y001 was replaced by B1Y007

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B1Y004 was replaced by B1Y007

B1Y005 was replaced by B1Y007

B1Y006 was replaced by B1Y007

B1Y007 for Linux for x64
SAS Enterprise Case Management 6.3_M1
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
59922 A Solr search in SAS® Enterprise Case Management returns results with the wrong time zone B1Y001
55639 SAS® Enterprise Case Management ignores the length attribute for string and text area fields B1Y001
55988 The "case is unlocked" message does not appear when you exit a case and return to the Search Cases screen in SAS® Enterprise Case Management B1Y001
57241 You encounter slow performance in SAS® Anti-Money Laundering when you use the SAS® Enterprise Case Management REST service to retrieve data B1Y001
57649 SAS® Enterprise Case Management does not display the user name in the Case History tab for the Terminate Case Workflow activity B1Y001
57660 In SAS® Enterprise Case Management, you might be able to save a date later than the maximum selectable date for the field B1Y001
58080 SAS® Enterprise Case Management displays incorrect information for notes related to a case B1Y001
58147 The tooltip for the attachments icon in SAS® Enterprise Case Management shows an incorrect number of attachments B1Y001
58384 ALERT - SAS® Enterprise Case Management contains a remote code execution security vulnerability B1Y001
58401 The tooltip for a date field on a SAS® Enterprise Case Management search page does not reflect the Short Date format selected in SAS® Preferences B1Y001
58702 You might experience slow performance when you use SAS® Enterprise Case Management B1Y001
58884 SAS® Enterprise Case Management might generate a submission-ready e-file for the wrong e-file, when more than one e-file is open B1Y001
59278 The runHttpGetDataLoader function in SAS® Enterprise Case Management fails when you retrieve data from different HTTP endpoints in the same session B1Y001
55047 SAS® Enterprise Case Management might not display the expected number of decimal digits for a numeric field B1Y001
58109 You might see a custom screen rendering error when you click the Return button on the Transaction Details screen in SAS® Enterprise Case Management B1Y001
59242 In SAS® Enterprise Case Management, you are unable to save a user-defined column in the DataGrid component of your E-File page B1Y001
59276 SAS® Enterprise Case Management returns to the first page in the list of cases after you edit a case and return to the list B1Y001
59923 You see an error when you load data for a DataGrid in SAS® Enterprise Case Management B1Y001
59965 When you delete a note in SAS® Enterprise Case Management, the attachment for the note is not deleted B1Y001
59966 Use the new setFieldsAndStatus command in a workflow template for SAS® Enterprise Case Management to shorten total workflow wait time B1Y001
59997 The Relationship Details panel on the Subjects tab of a case in SAS® Enterprise Case Management is not displayed properly B1Y001
60045 You encounter an error when you open Help Contents for SAS® Enterprise Case Management from the main help menu B1Y001
60046 You cannot view an attachment to a note after you edit and update the note in SAS® Enterprise Case Management B1Y001
60047 The getWorkflowOperandValue() function does not return a value for a workflow data object in SAS® Enterprise Case Management B1Y001
60048 SAS® Enterprise Case Management crashes when you submit a URL containing an invalid character B1Y001
60049 SAS® Enterprise Case Management contains security vulnerabilities B1Y001
60055 SAS® Enterprise Case Management creates multiple cases when you click the New Case button repeatedly B1Y001
60062 SAS® Enterprise Case Management does not honor the designated search engine when you add a new FCF external party B1Y001
60292 "Case was not found" error occurs in SAS® Enterprise Case Management after you cancel the creation of a new case B1Y001
60364 You see the message "An error occurred loading the main navigation menu" when you add multiple alerts to a case in SAS® Enterprise Case Management B1Y001
60365 The comments for a deleted note are missing from the Case History tab in SAS® Enterprise Case Management B1Y001
60366 Some field labels in SAS® Enterprise Case Management are aligned to the left when right-to-left support is enabled B1Y001
60371 In SAS® Enterprise Case Management, a Boolean field that triggers conditional visibility of another field works incorrectly in Google Chrome B1Y001
60401 You can print only the first page with Preview Case Report or Generate Case Report in SAS® Enterprise Case Management B1Y001
60513 The message "Unable to get property 'length'" is displayed when you select a tab for an entity in SAS® Enterprise Case Management B1Y001
60517 After editing an entity in SAS® Enterprise Case Management, you are prompted to save the entity even when no updates were made B1Y001
60533 SAS® Enterprise Case Management truncates the last letter of the label on the rightmost tab when left-to-right support is enabled B1Y001
60535 The required-field indicator might be out of alignment with the field label in SAS® Enterprise Case Management B1Y001
60594 In SAS® Enterprise Case Management, you are able to create a case for a subcategory that should not be enabled for your role B1Y001
60608 A "No screen found" error occurs in SAS® Enterprise Case Management when you press Enter while you create a manual alert B1Y001
60609 Some data grids are not deleted in SAR reports in SAS® Enterprise Case Management B1Y001
60610 No search results are displayed if you use Thai dates in SAS® Enterprise Case Management B1Y001
60611 An "Internal Server Error" message is displayed after you log off from SAS® Enterprise Case Management B1Y001
60612 The search capability on the Notes tab for a case in SAS® Enterprise Case Management does not work correctly B1Y001
60617 You see a "Subject identification type contains an invalid code" error in a FinCEN response file for a report generated by SAS® Anti-Money Laundering B1Y001
60618 The "Task assigned to another user" message in SAS® Enterprise Case Management might not be translated correctly B1Y001
60619 You see a pop-up error when you select a check box in SAS® Enterprise Case Management B1Y001
60643 When you correct a report with SAS® Enterprise Case Management, subject information is missing from the corrected report B1Y001
60644 A case or incident in SAS® Enterprise Case Management remains locked after you exit the entity B1Y001
60645 DataGrid data in a pop-up window is not refreshed with SAS® Enterprise Case Management B1Y001
60837 Regulatory report data for subjects is incorrect in SAS® Enterprise Case Management B1Y001
60843 You encounter an error in SAS® Enterprise Case Management when you edit subject information and then save a Suspicious Activity Report B1Y001
60516 The buttons on the New Subject dialog box in SAS® Enterprise Case Management incorrectly appear in the scrollable area of the window B1Y001
61207 The print preview of a Currency Transaction Report in SAS® Enterprise Case Management includes only the first financial institution B1Y002
60752 SAS® Enterprise Case Management does not create a new note category when you attempt to create the category while editing an existing note B1Y002
60934 SAS® Enterprise Case Management audits the event incorrectly after you delete an attachment on the Notes tab of a case B1Y002
61016 The Validate Report capability in SAS® Enterprise Case Management does not validate fields correctly B1Y002
61121 SAS® Enterprise Case Management incorrectly shows two entries in the activity history for a case or incident after you add a note for a new category B1Y002
61206 You might see an "unable to log on" error when you run the bulk load command line utility in SAS® Enterprise Case Management B1Y002
61208 Data in a DataGrid might disappear after you save a page in SAS® Enterprise Case Management B1Y002
61245 An on-change event for a check box in SAS® Enterprise Case Management might not work when you use the Google Chrome web browser B1Y002
61247 SAS® Enterprise Case Management contains a security vulnerability B1Y002
61248 SAS® Enterprise Case Management contains a security vulnerability B1Y002
61304 In SAS® Enterprise Case Management, you must click the Return button twice to return to the previous page B1Y002
61305 You are unable to delete a comment that was added by another user in SAS® Enterprise Case Management B1Y002
61306 SAS® Enterprise Case Management does not maintain the default width settings for DataGrid columns after you sort the DataGrid by column B1Y002
61330 SAS® Enterprise Case Management does not honor the max-length attribute for text area fields B1Y002
61332 SAS® Enterprise Case Management contains a comma separated security injection vulnerability B1Y002
61333 SAS® Enterprise Case Management contains a security vulnerability B1Y002
61076 SAS® Enterprise Case Management displays notes for a case in a random order when you sort the notes by category and then by date B1Y002
61802 SAS® Enterprise Case Management contains an html injection vulnerability B1Y003
61803 SAS® Enterprise Case Management contains a cross-site scripting security vulnerability B1Y003
61805 A user without the Edit Incident capability can lock or modify ownership of an incident in SAS® Enterprise Case Management B1Y003
61646 SAS® Enterprise Case Management generates a case report with missing information B1Y004
61836 Report validation in SAS® Enterprise Case Management might not validate the Other text box when the ID type is Other B1Y004
61929 Improvements in regulatory reporting for SAS® Enterprise Case Management and SAS® Anti-Money Laundering B1Y004
61930 You experience performance degradation with SAS® Enterprise Case Management B1Y004
61943 SAS® Enterprise Case Management resets a check box selection after a validation error occurs B1Y004
61944 Search performance in SAS® Enterprise Case Management is slower than expected B1Y004
61949 The calendar widget in SAS® Enterprise Case Management displays months incorrectly when you use the Hebrew locale B1Y004
62000 With SAS® Enterprise Case Management, you might be able to add more reports to an e-file than the configuration limit B1Y004
62030 The arrow on the Back button points to the opposite direction if you have right-to-left support enabled in SAS® Enterprise Case Management B1Y004
62031 SAS® Enterprise Case Management generates a case report with missing tabs B1Y004
62033 SAS® Enterprise Case Management creates duplicate workflow instances when you double-click to edit a case B1Y004
62034 SAS® Enterprise Case Management does not show an "is locked by" message when you edit a case that is locked by another user B1Y004
62635 ALERT - SAS® Enterprise Case Management generates duplicate sequence numbers for reports in an e-file B1Y005
62597 You might see validation errors when working with CTRX reports in SAS® Enterprise Case Management or SAS® Anti-Money Laundering B1Y005
60131 SAS® Enterprise Case Management displays an error when the legal name or the TIN for an institution are not defined in a Suspicious Activity Report B1Y005
62126 You see an UnmarshallingFailureException error in SAS® Enterprise Case Management when you create a manual alert containing a UTF-16 character B1Y005
62180 SAS® Enterprise Case Management displays an "unable to load" error when you set the value of the ECM.Policy.FinancialItemMigration property to false B1Y005
62596 SAS® Enterprise Case Management reports an error when you create a task with a name longer than 100 characters B1Y005
62627 You might experience poor performance in SAS® Enterprise Case Management when you generate e-files containing reports with attachments B1Y005
62628 You see a "column not found" error when you generate an e-file containing a CTRX report in SAS® Enterprise Case Management B1Y005
62636 ALERT - In the CTRX Response Summary report, SAS® Enterprise Case Management does not show details for some of the errors B1Y005
62642 SAS® Enterprise Case Management incorrectly enables you to edit a task for a case that is Read-Only B1Y005
62648 SAS® Enterprise Case Management does not retrieve the field value when you select the radio button for a row in a SelectableDataGrid B1Y005
62649 SAS® Enterprise Case Management incorrectly displays the character code for an apostrophe in a field label B1Y005
62658 The summary page for a generated e-file in SAS® Enterprise Case Management might contain incorrect or missing information B1Y005
63164 A Suspicious Activity Report in SAS® Enterprise Case Management might be rejected by FinCEN due to schema validation failure of the report narrative B1Y006
63167 The print preview of a Suspicious Activity Report in SAS® Enterprise Case Management contains unexpected backslash characters B1Y006
63096 In SAS® Enterprise Case Management, the endpoint contains a cross-site scripting vulnerability B1Y006
63163 SAS® Enterprise Case Management might become slow or unresponsive B1Y006
63165 You see an "error occurred loading data" message in SAS® Enterprise Case Management when you sort a DataGrid by user name B1Y006
63166 You see HTTP 500 error response codes in the localhost_access_log for SAS® Enterprise Case Management B1Y006
62707 SAS® Anti-Money Laundering now supports FinCEN SAR data in an XML-based file, also known as the SARX format B1Y007
61652 Financial Crimes Enforcement Network rejects a Suspicious Activity Report from SAS® Enterprise Case Management with an "element is not recorded" error B1Y007
63237 SAS® Enterprise Case Management truncates the narrative of a Suspicious Activity Report (SARX) when you preview the report B1Y007
63363 The IdentificationPresentUnknownIndicator element name is not included in the XML Source window in SAS® Enterprise Case Management B1Y007
63479 SAS® Enterprise Case Management omits the financial institution identification number in a Suspicious Activity Report (SARX) B1Y007
65535 You see incorrectly numbered pages when you view a completed Suspicious Activity Report (SARX) in SAS® Enterprise Case Management B1Y007
65625 You encounter an error when you click the Validate as E-File button in a regulatory report in SAS® Anti-Money Laundering B1Y007
63353 The Add Phone number screen in SAS® Enterprise Case Management does not require you to specify the phone number type B1Y007
63677 SAS® Enterprise Case Management reports incorrect or misleading results when you click Validate Report B1Y007
64550 SAS® Enterprise Case Management contains a cross-site scripting vulnerability in the CASE_ID parameter B1Y007
65162 You might not be able to view a note added to a case in SAS® Enterprise Case Management after you edit the note B1Y007
65431 SAS® Enterprise Case Management sorts notes for a case incorrectly when you use Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 B1Y007
65507 SAS® Enterprise Case Management does not include suspect party information in a SAR 90-day case B1Y007
65604 You are unable to sort the Attachment data grid by description in SAS® Enterprise Case Management when an attachment description is blank B1Y007
65624 SAS® Enterprise Case Management displays an incorrect field number in the error for an invalid filing institution contact number in a SARX report B1Y007
Released: March 27, 2020     Documentation: B1Y007la.pdf D       Download:  
D indicates that the Documentation has special pre-installation, post-installation or other unique instructions not commonly used for hot fix deployment.
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