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SAS Business Rules Manager 3.2

Hot Fix Downloads for 64-bit Enabled Solaris

* General Information about Hot Fixes

A9Y001 was replaced by A9Y006

A9Y002 was replaced by A9Y006

A9Y003 was replaced by A9Y006

A9Y004 was replaced by A9Y006

A9Y005 was replaced by A9Y006

A9Y006 for 64-bit Enabled Solaris
SAS Business Rules Manager 3.2
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
60069 Opening a SAS® Model Manager project might take several minutes when the project contains many models A9Y001
60298 When duplicating rules in SAS® Business Rules Manager, a "This field is required" error is displayed even though a version is specified A9Y001
60382 The SAS® Enterprise Decision Management smart object gives an "Invalid data set name ..." error when processing three-level names A9Y001
60427 Publishing a model project to a database fails with "The champion model ... could not be published ..." even though the project is published A9Y001
60438 Running an HP Forest scoring task fails, and "ERROR: Physical file does not exist, fitstats.xml" is displayed A9Y001
59461 You cannot save a business rules definition in SAS® Customer Intelligence Studio A9Y001
60384 Executing the %brm_rule_flow macro gives an "ERROR: Literal contains unmatched quote ... macro BRM_RULE_FLOW will stop executing" message A9Y001
60555 Updating vocabulary when importing into SAS® Business Rules Manager gives a "terms ... already exist ... will not be imported" warning A9Y001
60563 Importing a rule gives a "CSV file contains rule sets that are finalized in the database ... associated rule sets will not be imported" warning A9Y001
60869 The %brm_get_rule_flow_code macro displays "Error logging on with the provided credentials ... The credentials were invalid" A9Y002
60667 Rules with multiple condition-terms in SAS® Business Rules Manager are rejected when imported A9Y003
60983 SAS® Business Rules Manager stops or slows response when moving rule sets with a very large number of rules A9Y003
60985 Loading rule sets in SAS® Business Rules Manager takes excessive time A9Y003
60988 Expanding the Table category in SAS® Decision Manager takes a long time when registered tables contain a large number of columns A9Y003
61017 When editing rules in SAS® Business Rules Manager, performance is slow A9Y003
61540 Publishing or testing a model gives "ERROR ... DeploymentServiceImpl error deploying decision ..." A9Y003
61587 The test that leverages SQLSTMT to query for external data fails with "Error reported by DS2 package sqlstmt ..." A9Y003
61326 The SASBusinessRulesManagerWeb web-application-server context might fail to start when upgrading from SAS® Business Rules Manager 3.1 to 3.2 A9Y003
60392 Creating rules gives an "Invalid argument to function ..." error when code includes certain DS2 functions A9Y003
61131 Importing a vocabulary using the %brm_import_vocabulary macro gives "ERROR: The CSV file contains invalid data ... The data could not be imported" A9Y003
61444 The %brm_export_rule_flow and %brm_import_rule_flow SAS® Business Rules Manager macros truncate by_term variable names to 32 characters A9Y003
61445 The SAS® Business Rules Manager %BRM_IMPORT_VOCABULARY macro generates a "Write access to member ..." error A9Y003
61573 A Polish interface is available for SAS® Business Rules Manager 3.2 A9Y003
61588 Importing a PMML model gives "ERROR: Cannot generate score code for the model" A9Y004
61616 Performance-monitoring tasks for a portfolio fail with "ERROR: Variable JOBSTATUS not found" A9Y004
61665 You can attach restricted file types to a Rule Flow or Rule Set, even though the types are restricted A9Y004
62340 Rule set revision history export incorrect A9Y005
62304 Clicking Table View fails with a "... Logical server not found ..." error A9Y005
62290 The %BRM_RULE_FLOW macro generates a compilation error during processing of a DATA step name-literal table A9Y005
60872 An "error occurred while publishing the decision ..." message is displayed when you publish or test a decision A9Y006
Released: August 03, 2018     Documentation: A9Y006s6.html D       Download:  
D indicates that the Documentation has special pre-installation, post-installation or other unique instructions not commonly used for hot fix deployment.
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