R76023 |
SAS Management Console 9.4_M2 |
Issue(s) Addressed: | Introduced: |
53944 | A SAS® Workspace Server connection failure can occur in SAS® Studio when you use SAS® token authentication |
R76002 |
55044 | ALERT - SAS® Web Infrastructure Platform applications (including SAS® Logon Manager) might be vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks |
R76002 |
55053 | Errors in SAS® LIBNAME statements occur for metadata-defined libraries with relative path references |
R76002 |
55255 | Incorrect LIBNAME statements might be generated from a library that is configured with a relative path in SAS® 9.4 TS1M2 |
R76002 |
55358 | SAS® Management Console now supports encryption and signer options on SAS® data in HDFS libraries |
R76003 |
55582 | Job, Deployed Job, and Deployed Flow objects created using the Schedule Manager are created in the wrong repository |
R76004 |
55734 | The Kerberos authentication protocol for IBM Platform Process Manager 9.1.3 is now available in SAS® 9.4 TS1M2 |
R76004 |
56191 | Folders are not displayed in SAS® Management Console when you log on with credentials from a group's metadata definition |
R76005 |
56199 | Batch import and export processes fail and return the error "Could not access HTTP invoker remote service" |
R76005 |
56866 | The error "The deployed job ("xxx") does not have a Job object associated to it" occurs when you edit an associated job in SAS® Management Console |
R76005 |
59092 | Using the Manage Deployed Jobs dialog box returns "Metadata error: The deployed job ("job-name") is not associated with a job object..." |
R76005 |
55740 | An error occurs when you select the "Users" link (under "Environment Management") in SAS® Web Administration Console |
R76006 |
54190 | Establishing connections to object-spawner machine definitions in SAS® Management Console might take several minutes |
R76007 |
57131 | SAS® Data Integration Studio jobs that contain an SQL subquery lose subquery metadata after you run the Analyze and Repair Tool |
R76009 |
57799 | The WebDAV repository connection attempt fails with HTTP connection-manager errors |
R76009 |
58042 | When you import tables using SAS® Management Console, the physical names of the imported tables become corrupted |
R76010 |
58068 | A calculated item that includes the INTNX function fails validation in SAS® Customer Intelligence Studio |
R76010 |
58867 | TLSv1.2 is not supported by Java IOM clients |
R76010 |
59094 | Reimporting jobs in SAS® Management Console fails with the error "Scheduling of 'job-name' failed..." |
R76011 |
60437 | A cross-site scripting vulnerability exists in the Preferences web application for SAS® 9.3 TS1M0 and later |
R76011 |
52971 | Results are incorrect when you use the operator EXACTLY MATCHES in the custom details of SAS® Marketing Automation |
R76013 |
58773 | Queries in SAS® Workflow Services fail for users that belong to more than 1,000 groups |
R76013 |
58774 | SAS® Web Infrastructure Platform Unable to log on as a user with membership in over a 1,000 groups |
R76013 |
60351 | Internet HTTP requests for "tgt.keepal.ive" and "www.LazySecurityContext.com" originate from SAS® 9.4 Web Infrastructure Platform |
R76013 |
60719 | Out-of-disk-space issues occur when temporary files are not removed from the \\WebAppServer\\SASServer_#\\temp directory |
R76013 |
59700 | Flow contents are lost when more than one person edits the same flow concurrently in the SAS® Management Console Schedule Manager plug-in |
R76014 |
61010 | Incorrect values are stored for the common data model when it is used in a SAS® Customer Intelligence Studio campaign |
R76015 |
60073 | Scheduling many operating system scheduler jobs causes the operating system to use a large quantity of resources and affects performance |
R76016 |
62727 | Date values in Custom Detail date fields shift by -2 days in SAS® Customer Intelligence Studio |
R76018 |
63828 | A clustered middle tier can become unresponsive upon start-up |
R76021 |
60622 | Redeploying a job using SAS® Management Console fails with the "UNKNOWN_ORIGINAL_SOURCE_FILE" error when the deployed job is defined by importing |
R76022 |
67449 | A security vulnerability in IBM Platform Process Manager affects Platform Suite for SAS® |
R76023 |
D indicates that the Documentation has special pre-installation, post-installation or other unique instructions not commonly used for hot fix deployment. |