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SAS Revenue Optimization 5.2_M3

Hot Fix Downloads for Linux for x64

* General Information about Hot Fixes

M38001 was replaced by M38007

M38002 was replaced by M38007

M38003 was replaced by M38007

M38004 was replaced by M38007

M38005 was replaced by M38007

M38006 was replaced by M38007

M38007 for Linux for x64
SAS Revenue Optimization 5.2_M3
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
51648 ALERT - Optimization in SAS® Regular Price Optimization might fail with "ERROR: TKTException code = 2 (Floating point divide by zero)" M38001
51698 ALERT - Optimization or evaluation in SAS® Promotion Optimization might fail with "ERROR: TKTException code = 6 (Access violation)" M38001
51699 ALERT - SAS® Promotion Optimization might become unresponsive after you run online category or calendar aggregation M38001
51700 ALERT - Evaluation of a promotion that fails might incorrectly not contain a hyperlink with error details in the Promotion Details view M38001
51638 Negative margin values cannot be entered for the Minimum Margin rule when using the price-based accounting model M38001
51534 ALERT - The error "RPP manager run time error when calling odf service" might be generated when you evaluate buy-get promotions M38002
51597 Metrics from a promotion optimization/evaluation or a category plan aggregation might not be correct M38002
51745 ALERT - Evaluation of a promotion fails when the promotion contains a scope that has no model group coverage M38002
51787 ALERT - Evaluation of a master promotion might fail with the error "Could not determine the scope of the plan_sk=xxxxx" M38002
51788 ALERT - Online aggregation fails M38002
51238 ALERT - Importing two plans with the same Model Member ID might fail when they are imported simultaneously in SAS® Pack Optimization M38002
51702 Optimization might fail and generate the error "There are no packs specified and none can be found for the products in the request. Cannot proceed." M38002
51756 ALERT - The SAS® Merchandise Intelligence Load_STG2DM_Product_hier_assoc_dm job runs for a long time M38002
51945 ALERT - Optimization or evaluation might incorrectly have a successful status but generate no metrics M38003
52034 ALERT - Evaluation of a buy-get promotion that contains products from more than one partition might fail M38004
52142 Approval lead times specified in the PRICE_CHANGE_PRIORITY table might not be honored M38004
51485 You cannot enter decimal amounts in the "Buy Amount($)" field for points or miles in a Buy/Get promotion M38004
51507 The Order Quantity by Size results on the Purchase Order Plan Optimization Summary page are not updated after applying a filter M38004
51681 Delivery type can be set for only one delivery at a time M38004
51882 The Optimization Summary calculations might not match the Optimization Results calculations M38004
52005 ALERT - An "Unable to execute query..." exception occurs when you attempt to approve prices in SAS® Regular Price Optimization M38004
52143 Saving a bulk pack in the Default Pack Settings view might generate an exception in SAS® Pack Optimization M38004
51744 ALERT - A successful optimization or evaluation might incorrectly have an error status with no hyperlink details about the error M38004
51976 ALERT - The Load_DM_Prf_sales_data_summary job runs slowly M38004
52008 An exception might be generated when aggregating a calendar plan and a category plan with the same scope in a batch run M38005
52219 Sales forecasts might not match between a promotion and the sales forecast export with the same scope M38005
52234 ALERT - Evaluating a promotion might generate "ERROR: RPP manager run time error when calling odf service to prepare forecast/elasticity/price." M38005
52235 The sales forecast export might not accurately reflect an absolute forecast override that is applied in the Promotion Details view M38005
52217 Aggregation of calendar or category plans might fail with out of memory errors M38005
52923 Category plan aggregation might be slow in SAS® Promotion Optimization M38005
52587 ALERT - SAS® Promotion Optimization price export might incorrectly not include buy amounts for products in buy-get promotions M38005
54775 ALERT - Optimization and aggregation might fail after you add threads for online optimization M38006
54102 SAS® Regular Price Optimization becomes unresponsive after you approve price changes M38006
54707 Performance is slow when promotions are loading in the Promotion List view M38006
54737 An out-of-memory exception might be generated when you drill in the Targets and Metrics table in a category plan M38006
49664 "Failed to execute runnable (java.util.ConcurrentModificationException)..." might be generated in SAS® Promotion Optimization M38006
54847 ALERT - Optimization might fail for a regular price plan M38007
54848 ALERT - A memory leak might occur in the Promotion List view after changing the date filter M38007
54856 A memory leak might occur in the Promotion List view after evaluating promotions from the context menu M38007
Released: January 13, 2015     Documentation: M38007la.html D       Download:  
D indicates that the Documentation has special pre-installation, post-installation or other unique instructions not commonly used for hot fix deployment.
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