64494 | XSS malicious code can be unintentionally executed in SAS® Visual Investigator | May 17, 2019 | Manifest View |
64315 | You see the error "An event must have a value for category" after you attempt to save an entity in SAS® Visual Investigator | | |
64297 | You can create case attachments with invalid text in SAS® Visual Investigator | | |
64271 | Searches in SAS® Visual Investigator are not processed after an Elasticsearch node becomes unavailable | | |
64211 | A displaySessionID property is now available to enable or remove the display of the "Session ID" field on the SAS® Visual Investigator Audit page | | |
64210 | The "Last Modified Date" column in a file is blank after you use the "Export to Excel" functionality in SAS® Visual Investigator | | |
64209 | Elasticsearch clustering in SAS® Visual Investigator fails when the master node fails, and you see the message "fatal error on the network layer" | | |
64193 | A database password is seen in the Scenario Administrator log for SAS® Visual Investigator | | |
64096 | Datahub listening channels are not set up in SAS® Visual Investigator after RabbitMQ crashes | May 02, 2019 | Manifest View |
64129 | SAS® Visual Investigator time-slider bars are not displayed after you resize the browser window | April 05, 2019 | Manifest View |
64128 | The application responds slowly when you perform certain actions in SAS® Visual Investigator | | |
64125 | Child entities are not displayed in a print template for an Alert entity in SAS® Visual Investigator | | |
64124 | A SAS® Visual Investigator print template is not printed and a print preview does not appear | | |
64120 | SAS® Visual Investigator messages are processed through RabbitMQ very slowly | | |
64080 | You cannot paste a URL into the rich-text area of a dialog box when you are creating an entity in SAS® Visual Investigator | | |
64077 | The error "Error in Server-side Processing . . ." appears after you paste a table into a rich-text input area and then save the page | | |
64076 | You cannot configure a zoom level that is greater than 18, even though the map provider would allow a higher setting | | |
64075 | SAS® Visual Investigator exports dates into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet in an incorrect format | | |
64074 | A SAS® Visual Investigator drop-down list activates incorrectly when you click to the right of the list | | |
64061 | The error "Failed to load data object" appears after you select the Data Objects page in SAS® Visual Investigator | | |
63326 | Your screen times out after you delete a relationship in SAS® Visual Investigator | December 19, 2018 | Manifest View |
63323 | An indexing job is stuck in a deadlock situation in SAS® Visual Investigator | | |