=============================================================================== Readme file for: IBM Platform LSF Product/Component Release: 8.0.1 SAS Update name: IBM Platform LSF Update Publication date: 17 April 2014 Last modified: 17 April 2014 This update will fix the problem: Fix to allow the master host to be displayed as a fully qualified domain name. =============================================================================== ========================= CONTENTS ========================= 1. Abbreviations 2. About IBM Platform LSF for SAS 3. Supported operating systems 4. Products or components affected 5. Installation and Configuration 6. Copyright ========================= 1. Abbreviations ========================= N/A ========================= 2. About IBM Platform LSF ========================= The IBM Platform LSF ("LSF", short for load sharing facility) software is industry-leading enterprise-class software that distributes work across existing heterogeneous IT resources creating a shared, scalable, and fault-tolerant infrastructure, delivering faster, more reliable workload performance while reducing cost. LSF balances load and allocates resources, while providing access to those resources. ========================= 3. Supported operating systems ========================= SLES 10/11 64-bit, RHEL 5/6 64-bit ========================= 4. Products or components affected ========================= lim ========================= 5. Installation and Configuration ========================= 1) Log on LSF master host as LSF primary administrator or root, and shut down LSF by running "lsfshutdown". 2) Log on LSF master host and every LSF server host as root, back up and replace $LSF_SERVERDIR/lim with the lim in this patch. 3) Log on LSF master host as root, and start LSF by running "lsfstartup". ========================= 6. Copyright ========================= ©Copyright IBM Corporation 2014 U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. IBM®, the IBM logo and ibm.com®, are trademarks of International Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at "Copyright and trademark information" at www.ibm.com/legal/copytrade.shtml.