Installation Instructions for Hot Fix B8T004

Hadoop on Linux x64

Hot fix B8T004 addresses the issue(s) in SAS Threaded Kernel DS2 and FedSQL Language Processors 9.41_M3 for Hadoop on Linux x64 as documented in the Issue(s) Addressed section of the hot fix download page:

The hot fix downloaded, B8T004hl.tar, contains the updated file required to address the documented issues.


  1. All currently active SAS sessions, daemons, spawners and servers must be terminated before applying this hot fix.

  2. For the 9.4M5 SAS EP for Hadoop, the account which performs the hotfix installation must either have passwordless-ssh setup on all yarn nodes in the Hadoop cluster or an account with superuser privileges should be used.

INSTALLATION on Cloudera 5.x, Hortonworks 2.x, and MapR 5.x+

  1. On the NameNode of your Hadoop cluster, create a directory called “hotfix” within your /SASEPHome location called “hotfix”.
    mkdir /SASEPHome/hotfix
  2. Transfer the file B8T004hl.tar to the hot fix directory you created.

  3. Extract the file.
    cd <EPInstallDir>/SASEPHome/hotfix
    tar -xvf ./B8T004hl.tar
  4. Verify that the B8T004 subdirectory now contains the extracted file,

  5. Navigate to the “bin” directory of your SASEPHome directory.
    cd <EPInstallDir>/SASEPHome/bin
  6. Execute the script with the -hotfix flag, followed by the path to the hot fix file.
    ./ -hotfix ../hotfix/B8T004/
  7. Validate that the yarn nodes of your cluster have been successfully patched by inspecting the output from the command. You should see the following output corresponding to each node in your cluster:
    INFO: Applying hotfix for SAS Embedded Process for Hadoop on node <NODE>.

INSTALLATION on Cloudera 6.x and Hortonworks 3.x

  1. On the NameNode of your Hadoop cluster, create a directory called “hotfix” within your /SASEPHome location called “hotfix”.
    mkdir /SASEPHome/hotfix
  2. Transfer the file B8T004hl.tar to the hot fix directory you created.

  3. Extract the file.
    cd <EPInstallDir>/SASEPHome/hotfix
    tar -xvf ./B8T004hl.tar
  4. Verify that the B8T004 subdirectory now contains the extracted file,

  5. Move this file to the <EPInstallDir> directory (which is two levels up from the hotfix directory).
    mv B8T004/ ../..
  6. Navigate to this directory and run the hotfix file. Running this script by itself will patch the script so that it will support the newer version of these Hadoop distributions.
    cd ../..
  7. Navigate to the “bin” directory of your SASEPHome directory.
    cd SASEPHome/bin
  8. Execute the script with the -hotfix flag, followed by the path to the hot fix file.
    ./ -hotfix ../../
    NOTE: It is expected for this operation to report a failure to expand the SAS Embedded Process libraries on the current/master node. This is because you ran the hotfix file here manually in an earlier step.

INSTALLATION Amazon Web Services EMR

  1. Create a directory named <EPInstallDir> on all yarn nodes as ec2-user with permissions 755.

  2. Copy the file to the <EPInstallDir> directory on all yarn nodes as ec2-user

  3. Navigate to the <EPInstallDir> directory on each node as ec2-user and run ./

  4. Copy the file to the <EPInstallDir> directory on all yarn nodes as ec2-user

  5. Run <EPInstallDir>/ on all yarn nodes as ec2-user

  6. Perform the Post-Installation steps as ec2-user


Verify the sasep.jar link in the <EPInstallDir>/SASEPHome/jars directory on each node in the cluster is referencing the the latest version of the sasep-hdp2 jar. If this is not correct, run these commands on each affected node:

cd <EPInstallDir>/SASEPHome/bin
./ -linksasepjaronly

This completes the installation of hot fix B8T004 on Hadoop on Linux x64.

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