This hot fix requires post-installation steps that will update the web application deployed to your application server. Follow the steps below to rebuild and redeploy your web application.
- Rebuild Web Applications
NOTE: In order for this step to execute correctly, the Metadata Server must be running.
- If you are installing this hot fix on a UNIX system, set the DISPLAY environment variable.
For example:
$ export DISPLAY=<displayname>:0
- Invoke the SAS Deployment Manager 9.4
From the SASDeploymentManager directory execute
For example:
$ cd <SASHOME>/SASDeploymentManager/9.4
$ ./
From the SASDeploymentManager directory launch sasdm.exe. The default installation path for the SAS Deployment
Manager is C:\Program Files\SAS\SASDeploymentManager\9.4.
- Select a language in the Choose Language box
- Select Rebuild Web Applications
- Select Configuration Directory or Enter the Configuration Directory and Level that needs to be updated
- Specify Connection Information, including the sasadm User ID and Password
- Select the appropriate product as the Web Application to Rebuild
- Verify the information on the Summary screen and select Start
- Select Finish when the deployment is complete
This process will update the appropriate wars in <CONFIGDIR>/Lev1/Web/Staging.
A backup of the original war files will be placed in the <CONFIGDIR>/Lev1/Web/Staging/Backup directory.
Restart all SAS sessions, daemons, spawners and servers.
For more information on the proper order for starting servers, go to SAS� 9.4 Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide, Fourth Edition
and review the section entitled "Starting, Stopping and Checking the Status of Servers".
- Redeploy Web Applications
- Invoke the SAS Deployment Manager 9.4
- Select a language in the Choose Language box
- Select Deploy Web Applications
- Select Configuration Directory or Enter the Configuration Directory and Level that needs to be updated
- Specify Connection Information, including the sasadm User ID and Password
- Check the Allow the application server to stop checkbox
- Select the appropriate product as the Web Application
to Deploy
- Verify the information on the Summary screen and select Start
- Select Finish and exit the SAS Deployment Manager when the deployment is complete.
SAS 9.4 Intelligence Platform: Middle-Tier Administration Guide for more information.